Since you offered, I'd love to see your FAQ list.

Cap'n Dan Hall
aboard "Apella"
on Cayuga Lake

On May 11, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Flying Pig wrote:

>> Do any of you all have a "formal" or "informal" guest policy.
> Yes, we do - and I also have a "FAQ for guests on Flying Pig" which lets 
> them know they're not in Kansas any more.
> Before we leave, I sit everyone in the cockpit, and stand in the 
> companionway, and do "the talk" - which includes holding up a joker valve as 
> part of my explanation of why nothing you haven't eaten yet, other than 
> modest amounts of paper, flushed as you use it, goes in the heads.
> As to how long, you set the rules.  We've found that folks who aren't REALLY 
> into sailing and the marine lifestyle, but really want to be there, do well 
> with about 10 days tops.  OTOH, Lydia's mother was with us for 6 months the 
> last time, and it was OK, though a bit long. This time, assuming she gets in 
> shape (she's 85; she was 83 the first time) at my sister's, where she is 
> now, it will be a couple of months.
> If you have pre or early teens aboard - alone, likely only if you're 
> grandparenting or perhaps aunt/uncle-ing - be prepared for a severe culture 
> shock for them.  They need to be prepped (unless you're of the dockside and 
> restaurant crowd; we're definitely not) as to how diet and schedule (and 
> internet and telephone) will be a radical change from what they're used to; 
> if they can't agree (and keep to it) in advance, or adapt, I'd suggest an 
> agreement with the parents that they can be put off at the first opportunity 
> (assuming you're cruising, of course).
> We've not had any guest pets; that would be challenging in any event.
> As to safety, our rule is that one is harnessed and jacklined whenever out 
> of the cockpit for any under 16, and, in any "weather," jacketed as well. 
> The "one hand for the boat" and "three point contact" rule is also 
> demonstrated...
> I can send the FAQ if it's of interest; it covers water and electricity, 
> heat, bugs, bathroom realities, diet and a host of other things...
> L8R
> Skip
> Morgan 461 #2
> SV Flying Pig KI4MPC
> See our galleries at !
> Follow us at
> and/or
> "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
> didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
> away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.
> Dream. Discover."   - Mark Twain 
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