tberghammer added a comment.

In http://reviews.llvm.org/D13727#268233, @zturner wrote:

> In http://reviews.llvm.org/D13727#268086, @clayborg wrote:
> > > Yes.  But an implementation of std::async is either going to use a global 
> > > thread pool or it's not.  If it does there's no problem, and if it 
> > > doesn't, it's going to create one thread for each call, and when the work 
> > > in that thread is done, the thread will exit.  You wouldn't have a 
> > > situation where you call std::async 100 times, join on all 100 results, 
> > > and the 100 threads are still sitting around.  After the work is done the 
> > > threads would go away.  So by dividing the work into no more than 
> > > `hardware_concurrency` chunks and sending those chunks to separate calls 
> > > invocations of `std::async`, you're safe.
> >
> >
> > Performance will be worse if there is a thread created for each task as 
> > thread creation is very expensive and can often be slower than just doing 
> > things serially for small tasks.
> >
> > > Having a global thread pool is fine, but if that's what we want to do I 
> > > think it needs to be a much smaller value than `hardware_concurrency`.  
> > > Because having that many threads sitting around doing nothing all the 
> > > time makes debugging LLDB a real chore (not to mention being wasteful).
> >
> >
> > I don't agree. They are parked doing nothing taking up no real resources, 
> > or they are doing something useful. When tasks come in, the parked threads 
> > are ready to go, no spin up time like when using std::async(). Debugging 
> > LLDB already has many threads and on MacOSX there are already some 
> > libdispatch threads around and they don't add much noise IMHO. We could 
> > actually back this new approach with libdispatch on MacOSX, but I would 
> > want to verify that the performance is as good or better than the current 
> > approach before doing so. The benefit of libdispatch is it will tear down 
> > worker threads if they haven't been used in a while. But we could do the 
> > same with our approach.
> >
> > If you want to optimize windows with std::async() I would say go for it. 
> > Maybe unit tests can run using multiple ways (std::async, TaskPool, 
> > libdispatch) and then recommend a default for your platform based on real 
> > performance tests. Demangling a bunch of names is one example that could be 
> > used for performance testing this.
> I agree having a few threads around isn't a big deal, but 48-60 is a really 
> high amount of noise when you debug LLDB and get a list of threads.  I'm kind 
> of leaning back towards just making this use `std::async` on Windows because 
> having 60-70 threads in my thread list every time I start up LLDB is going to 
> be a big problem.  At the same time, even if I had only 32 cores, or 16 
> cores, I don't think I would want LLDB trying to consume 100% of my CPU 
> *ever* because it makes the machine unusable even if only for a short period 
> of time.  If I'm trying to load 2 GB of debug information (not a hypothetical 
> situation) this is going to be a big problem.
> We could try heuristics but I feel like this becomes a lot easier and less 
> error prone by just letting the system manage the thread pool wherever 
> possible.
> Tamas: I know you mentioned earlier that it's possible to have 2 different 
> implementations, one that delegates to std::async and one that uses this 
> approach.  Looking over the code it looks like only a couple lines of code 
> need to be different.  If it's that straightforward can we just do that?  
> This would also give Greg and others on FreeBSD or somewhere else to try 
> flipping the switch on their own platform and seeing which gives better 
> results.

Yes I can make an implementation what is based on std::async (the only 
necessary change is to call std::async in TaskPool::AddTask instead of using 
the current implementation), but I think if we start a 5000 std::async at the 
same time then it will still consume 100% of your CPU.

Greg: Would you prefer to have the threads in the thread pool always around, or 
to stop them when there is no work to do (I don't really have a preference 
about it from Linux side especially if you plan to use the thread pool for a 
lot of task)?


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