lemo added inline comments.

Comment at: source/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.cpp:2713
+      for (; chunk_size < size; ++chunk_size) {
+        assert(data[chunk_size] != '\0');
+        if (data[chunk_size] == '\n') {
amccarth wrote:
> Should we be that trusting of a caller?  In a non-debug build, if a caller 
> doesn't end the (non-empty) string with '\n', this'll just run past the end 
> of the buffer.  Did I miss something that guarantees the caller won't make a 
> mistake?  Would it be too expensive to play it safe?
There's no assumption that the string ends with \n, see the loop condition: 
chunk_size < size. The assert is just to validate that we don't have embedded 

Comment at: source/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.cpp:2708-2710
+    const char *data = str.data();
+    size_t size = str.size();
+    while (size > 0 && !WasInterrupted()) {
clayborg wrote:
> Since we are using "llvm::StringRef" here, why not use its split 
> functionality? Something like:
> ```
> bool done = false;
> while (!done) {
>   auto pair = str.split('\n');
>   auto len = pair.first.size();
>   done = pair.second.empty();
>   // Include newline if we are not done
>   if (!done)
>     ++len; 
>   stream.Write(pair.first.data(), 
> }
> ```
> This approach also avoids the issue amccarth mentioned below about not ending 
> with a newline. It is also quite a bit simpler to follow.
I'll give it a try, thanks for the suggestion.

Comment at: source/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.cpp:2728
+  } else {
+    stream.PutCString(str);
+  }
clayborg wrote:
> llvm::StringRef can contain NULLs right? Maybe use
> ```
> stream.Write(data, size);
> ```
The original code (line 2714) was using PutCString(), so this path is just 
preserving the original functionality (which also suggests that the output is 
not expected to have embedded nuls)


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