aprantl added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D42281#990296, @labath wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D42281#989793, @aprantl wrote:
> > I am now working on building each test variant (dwarf,dwo,dsym,...) in its 
> > own build directory so they can run in parallel and we can get rid of the 
> > lockfile.
> Are you planning to merge that into this patch? I am hoping that can be done 
> in a separate pass, once dust settles down from landing this batch.
> I think this is in a pretty good shape now, and we should land it soon. The 
> only thing i'd like to wait for is confirmation that this runs on windows 
> (i.e. does not run into any fundamental make limitations on that platform). 
> I'm going to see if I can get around to that today.

Sure that makes total sense. "Smaller" patches are always better. I'm mostly 
waiting for someone to greenlight Windows now.

Comment at: source/Plugins/ObjectFile/Mach-O/ObjectFileMachO.cpp:5139-5142
-        if (file_spec.Exists() && files.AppendIfUnique(file_spec)) {
+        if (file_spec.Exists() && files.AppendIfUnique(file_spec))
-          break;
-        }
labath wrote:
> I think it makes sense to separate the single change in actual code from the 
> gigantuous code refactor.
Oh right. This is an actual bug that I found because my refactoring of 
makefiles happened to change the relative order of dylibs in the Mach-O headers.


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