zturner added a comment.

In D58842#1415526 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D58842#1415526>, @labath wrote:

> Hmm.. I think I've thought of (or remembered, because I have been thinking 
> about Utility too) a reason why it might be better to keep these in Host. 
> ProcessLaunchInfo cannot be trivially moved to Utility (and indeed, in this 
> patch, you are keeping it in Host), because it contains some references to 
> Host-specific code (PTY stuff). Now, I am not convinced having the PTY class 
> be a member of ProcessLaunchInfo is a good thing, but assuming we don't want 
> to refactor that now, I think it might be better to keep Process(Launch)Info 
> and friends in the same package (i.e., in Host), at least until we have a 
> reason to do otherwise.

Well, the biggest difference between ProcessAttachInfo / ProcessLaunchInfo and 
the ones here is that those actually have some non-trivial functionality 
associated with them.  It might be possible to decouple that functionality from 
the descriptions themselves, but it didn't seem worth it to me.

I have a mild preference for putting them in Utility on the grounds that 
logically that's where they seem to make the most sense.  A Process could just 
as easily be running on a target as on the host, and we may want to pass this 
description around, and so favoring one or the other regarding to put them 
seemed a bit biased.  We do already have a process class in Host called 
HostProcess, and that's more what I envision a host-specific process looking 
like.  Low level methods that map directly to system calls to manipulate and 
query a process's state, etc.

As for D58167 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D58167>, I mostly just had a drive-by 
passing comment, and it looked fine to me after that, but I guess I was waiting 
for someone else to click Accept since my comment was fairly minor.  But I'll 
go ahead and accept it anyway just to unblock



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