JDevlieghere updated this revision to Diff 257840.
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Index: lldb/docs/resources/test.rst
--- lldb/docs/resources/test.rst
+++ lldb/docs/resources/test.rst
@@ -1,27 +1,158 @@
+.. contents::
+   :local:
+Test Suite Structure
 The LLDB test suite consists of three different kinds of test:
-* Unit test. These are located under ``lldb/unittests`` and are written in C++
-  using googletest.
-* Integration tests that test the debugger through the SB API. These are
-  located under ``lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite`` and are written in Python
-  using ``dotest`` (LLDB's custom testing framework on top of unittest2).
-* Integration tests that test the debugger through the command line. These are
-  located under `lldb/test/Shell` and are written in a shell-style format
-  using FileCheck to verify its output.
+* **Unit tests**: written in C++ using the googletest unit testing library.
+* **Shell tests**: Integration tests that test the debugger through the command
+  line. These tests interact with the debugger either through the command line
+  driver or through ``lldb-test`` which is a tool that exposes the internal
+  data structures in an easy-to-parse way for testing. Most people will know
+  these as *lit tests* in LLVM, although lit is the test driver and ShellTest
+  is the test format that uses ``RUN:`` lines. ``FileCheck`` is used to verify
+  the output.
+* **API tests**: Integration tests that interact with the debugger through the
+  SB API. These are are written in Python and use LLDB's ``dotest.py`` testing
+  framework on top of Python's unittest2.
+All three test suites use ``lit`` (`LLVM Integrated Tester
+<https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/lit.html>`_ ) as the test driver. The test
+suites can be run as a whole or separately.
+Unit Tests
+Unit tests are located under ``lldb/unittests``. If it's possible to test
+something in isolation or as a single unit, you should make it a unit test.
+Often you need instances of the core objects such as a debugger, target or
+process, in order to test something meaningful. We already have a handful of
+tests that have the necessary boiler plate, but this is something we could
+abstract away and make it more user friendly.
+Shell Tests
+Shell tests are located under ``lldb/test/shell``. These tests are generally
+build around checking the output of ``lldb`` (the command line driver) or
+``lldb-test`` using ``FileCheck``. Shell tests are generally small and fast to
+write because they require little boilerplate.
+``lldb-test`` is a relatively new addition to the test suite. It was the first
+tool that was added that is designed for testing. Since then it has been
+continuously extended with new subcommands, improving our test coverage. Among
+other things you can use it to query lldb for symbol files, for object files
+and breakpoints.
+Obviously shell tests are great for testing the command line driver itself or
+the subcomponents already exposed by lldb-test. But when it comes to LLDB's
+vast functionality, most things can be tested both through the driver as well
+as the Python API. For example, to test setting a breakpoint, you could do it
+from the command line driver with ``b main``` or you could use the SB API and do
+something like ``target.BreakpointCreateByName``.
+A good rule of thumb is to prefer shell tests when what is being tested is
+relatively simple. Expressivity is limited compared to the API tests, which
+means that you have to have a well-defined test scenario that you can easily
+match with ``FileCheck``.
+Another thing to consider are the binaries being debugged, which we call
+inferiors. For shell tests, they have to be relatively simple. The
+``dotest.py`` test framework has extensive support for complex build scenarios
+and different variants, which is described in more detail below, while shell
+tests are limited to single lines of shell commands with compiler and linker
+Finally, the shell tests always run in batch mode. You start with some input
+and the test verifies the output. The debugger can be sensitive to its
+environment, such as the the platform it runs on. It can be hard to express
+that the same test might behave slightly differently on macOS and Linux.
+Additionally, the debugger is an interactive tool, and the shell test provide
+no good way of testing those interactive aspects, such as tab completion for
+API Tests
+API tests are located under ``lldb/test/API``. Thy are run with the
+``dotest.py``. Tests are written in Python and test binaries (inferiors) are
+compiled with Make. The majority of API tests are end-to-end tests that compile
+programs from source, run them, and debug the processes.
+Below is the directory layout of the example API test. The test directory will
+always contain a python file, starting with ``Test``.  Most of the tests are
+structured as a binary begin debugged, so there will be one or more sources
+file and a Makefile.
-All three test suites use the `LLVM Integrated Tester
-<https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/lit.html>`_ (lit) as their test driver. The
-test suites can be run as a whole or separately.
-Many of the tests are accompanied by a C (C++, ObjC, etc.) source file. Each
-test first compiles the source file and then uses LLDB to debug the resulting
+  sample_test
+  ├── Makefile
+  ├── TestSampleTest.py
+  └── main.c
+Let's start with the Python test file. Every test is its own class and can have
+one or more test methods, that start with ``test_``.  Many tests define
+multiple test methods and share a bunch of common code. For example, for a
+fictive tests that makes sure we can set breakpoints we might have one test
+method that ensures we can set a breakpoint by address, on that sets a
+breakpoint by name and another that sets the same breakpoint by file and line
+number. The setup, teardown and everything else other than setting the
+breakpoint could be shared.
+Our testing framework also has a bunch of utilities that abstract common
+operations, such as creating targets, setting breakpoints etc. When code is
+shared across tests, we extract it into a utility in ``lldbutil``. It's always
+worth taking a look at  lldbutil to see if there's a utility to simplify some
+of the testing boiler plate. Because we can't always audit every existing test,
+this is double true when looking at an existing test for inspiration.
+It's possible to skip or XFAIL tests using decorators. You'll see them a lot.
+The debugger can be sensitive to things like the architecture, the host and
+target platform, the compiler version etc. LLDB comes with a range of
+predefined decorators for these configurations. Another great thing about these
+decorators is that they're very easy to extend, it's even possible to define a
+function in a test case that determines whether the test should be run or not.
+In addition to providing a lot more flexibility when it comes to writing the
+test, the API test also allow for much more complex scenarios when it comes to
+building inferiors. Every tests has its own Makefile, most of them only a few
+lines long. A shared Makefile (``Makefile.rules``) with about a thousand lines
+of rules takes care of most if not all of the boiler plate, while individual
+make files can be used to build more advanced tests. 

+Another things this enables is having different variants for the same test
+case. By default, we run every test for all 3 debug info formats, so once with
+DWARF from the object files, once with gmodules and finally with a dSYM on
+macOS or split DWARF (DWO) on Linux. But there are many more things we can test
+that are orthogonal to the test itself. On GreenDragon we have a matrix bot
+that runs the test suite under different configurations, with older host
+compilers and different DWARF versions.
+As you can imagine, this quickly lead to combinatorial explosion in the number
+of variants. It's very tempting to add more variants because it's an easy way
+to increase test coverage. It doesn't scale. It's cheap in developer time, but
+extremely expensive in terms of runtime and maintenance time because it
+multiplies the overhead.
+The key take away is that the different variants don't prevent the need for
+focused tests. So relying on it to test say DWARF5 is a really bad idea.
+Instead you should write tests that check the specific DWARF5 feature, and have
+the variant as a nice-to-have.
+In conclusion, you'll want to opt for an API test to test the API itself or
+when you need the expressively, either for the test case itself or for the
+program being debugged. The fact that the API tests work with different
+variants mean that more general tests should be API tests, so that they can be
+run against the different variants.
-.. contents::
-   :local:
 Running The Tests
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