aprantl created this revision.
aprantl added reviewers: friss, jasonmolenda, jingham.

and delete a bunch (but not all) redundant code. If you compare the remaining 
implementations of Platform*Simulator.cpp, there is still an obvious leftover 
cleanup task.

Specifically, this patch

- removes SDK initialization from dotest (there is equivalent but more complete 
code in Makefile.rules)
- make Platform*Simulator inherit the generic implementation of 
PlatformAppleSimulator (more can be done here)
- simplify the platform logic in Makefile.rules
- replace the custom SDK finding logic in Platform*Simulator with XcodeSDK
- adds a test for each supported simulator



Index: lldb/test/API/macosx/simulator/hello.c
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/macosx/simulator/hello.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+void puts(char *);
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  puts("break here\n");
+  return 0;
Index: lldb/test/API/macosx/simulator/TestSimulatorPlatform.py
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/macosx/simulator/TestSimulatorPlatform.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import lldb
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
+import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
+import json
+import unittest2
+class TestSimulatorPlatformLaunching(TestBase):
+    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
+    def run_with(self, arch, platform, os, env):
+        self.build(dictionary={'TRIPLE': arch+'-apple-'+os+'-'+env, 'ARCH': arch})
+        lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint(self, "break here",
+                                          lldb.SBFileSpec("hello.c"))
+        self.expect('image list -b -t',
+                    patterns=['a\.out '+arch+'-apple-'+os+'.*-'+env])
+    @skipUnlessDarwin
+    @skipIfDarwinEmbedded
+    @apple_simulator_test('iphonesimulator')
+    def test_ios(self):
+        """Test running an iOS simulator binary"""
+        self.run_with(arch=self.getArchitecture(),
+                      os='ios', env='simulator',
+                      platform='iphonesimulator')
+    @skipUnlessDarwin
+    @skipIfDarwinEmbedded
+    @apple_simulator_test('appletvsimulator')
+    def test_tvos(self):
+        """Test running an tvOS simulator binary"""
+        self.run_with(arch=self.getArchitecture(),
+                      os='tvos', env='simulator',
+                      platform='appletvsimulator')
+    @skipUnlessDarwin
+    @skipIfDarwinEmbedded
+    @apple_simulator_test('watchsimulator')
+    def test_watchos(self):
+        """Test running a 32-bit watchOS simulator binary"""
+        self.run_with(arch='i386',
+                      os='watchos', env='simulator',
+                      platform='watchsimulator')
Index: lldb/test/API/macosx/simulator/Makefile
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/macosx/simulator/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+C_SOURCES := hello.c
+include Makefile.rules
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/objcxx/PlatformiOSSimulatorCoreSimulatorSupport.mm
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/objcxx/PlatformiOSSimulatorCoreSimulatorSupport.mm
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/objcxx/PlatformiOSSimulatorCoreSimulatorSupport.mm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-//===-- PlatformiOSSimulatorCoreSimulatorSupport.cpp ---------------*- C++
+//===-- PlatformiOSSimulatorCoreSimulatorSupport.cpp ----------------------===//
 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
@@ -51,10 +50,12 @@
 - (NSUInteger)state;
 - (BOOL)shutdownWithError:(NSError **)error;
-- (pid_t)spawnWithPath:(NSString *)path
-               options:(NSDictionary *)options
-    terminationHandler:(void (^)(int status))terminationHandler
-                 error:(NSError **)error;
+- (BOOL)spawnWithPath:(NSString *)path
+               options:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)options
+      terminationQueue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)terminationQueue
+    terminationHandler:(nullable void (^)(int status))terminationHandler
+                   pid:(pid_t *_Nullable)pid
+                 error:(NSError *__autoreleasing _Nullable *_Nullable)error;
 CoreSimulatorSupport::Process::Process(lldb::pid_t p) : m_pid(p), m_error() {}
@@ -468,9 +469,12 @@
                   provided, path will be argv[0] */
 #define kSimDeviceSpawnWaitForDebugger                                         \
   @"wait_for_debugger" /* An NSNumber (bool) */
+#define kSimDeviceSpawnStandalone @"standalone"
   NSMutableDictionary *options = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+  options[kSimDeviceSpawnStandalone] = @(YES);
   if (launch_info.GetFlags().Test(lldb::eLaunchFlagDebug))
     [options setObject:@YES forKey:kSimDeviceSpawnWaitForDebugger];
@@ -527,16 +531,19 @@
   NSError *nserror;
-  pid_t pid = [m_dev
+  pid_t pid;
+  BOOL success = [m_dev
            spawnWithPath:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:launch_info
+        terminationQueue:nil
+                     pid:&pid
-  if (pid < 0) {
+  if (!success) {
     const char *nserror_string = [[nserror description] UTF8String];
     error.SetErrorString(nserror_string ? nserror_string : "unable to launch");
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformiOSSimulator.h
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformiOSSimulator.h
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformiOSSimulator.h
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   std::string m_sdk_directory;
   std::string m_build_update;
-  const char *GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+  llvm::StringRef GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
   PlatformiOSSimulator(const PlatformiOSSimulator &) = delete;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformiOSSimulator.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformiOSSimulator.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformiOSSimulator.cpp
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
 /// Default Constructor
-    : PlatformAppleSimulator(), m_sdk_dir_mutex(), m_sdk_directory(),
-      m_build_update() {}
+    : PlatformAppleSimulator(
+          CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID::iPhone) {}
 /// Destructor.
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@
 void PlatformiOSSimulator::GetStatus(Stream &strm) {
-  const char *sdk_directory = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
-  if (sdk_directory)
-    strm.Printf("  SDK Path: \"%s\"\n", sdk_directory);
+  llvm::StringRef sdk_directory = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+  if (!sdk_directory.empty())
+    strm.Printf("  SDK Path: \"%s\"\n", sdk_directory.str().c_str());
     strm.PutCString("  SDK Path: error: unable to locate SDK\n");
@@ -242,58 +242,12 @@
   return error;
-static FileSystem::EnumerateDirectoryResult
-EnumerateDirectoryCallback(void *baton, llvm::sys::fs::file_type ft,
-                           llvm::StringRef path) {
-  if (ft == llvm::sys::fs::file_type::directory_file) {
-    FileSpec file_spec(path);
-    const char *filename = file_spec.GetFilename().GetCString();
-    if (filename &&
-        strncmp(filename, "iPhoneSimulator", strlen("iPhoneSimulator")) == 0) {
-      ::snprintf((char *)baton, PATH_MAX, "%s", filename);
-      return FileSystem::eEnumerateDirectoryResultQuit;
-    }
-  }
-  return FileSystem::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
-const char *PlatformiOSSimulator::GetSDKDirectoryAsCString() {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_sdk_dir_mutex);
-  if (m_sdk_directory.empty()) {
-    if (FileSpec fspec = HostInfo::GetXcodeDeveloperDirectory()) {
-      std::string developer_dir = fspec.GetPath();
-      char sdks_directory[PATH_MAX];
-      char sdk_dirname[PATH_MAX];
-      sdk_dirname[0] = '\0';
-      snprintf(sdks_directory, sizeof(sdks_directory),
-               "%s/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs",
-               developer_dir.c_str());
-      FileSpec simulator_sdk_spec;
-      bool find_directories = true;
-      bool find_files = false;
-      bool find_other = false;
-      FileSystem::Instance().EnumerateDirectory(
-          sdks_directory, find_directories, find_files, find_other,
-          EnumerateDirectoryCallback, sdk_dirname);
-      if (sdk_dirname[0]) {
-        m_sdk_directory = sdks_directory;
-        m_sdk_directory.append(1, '/');
-        m_sdk_directory.append(sdk_dirname);
-        return m_sdk_directory.c_str();
-      }
-    }
-    // Assign a single NULL character so we know we tried to find the device
-    // support directory and we don't keep trying to find it over and over.
-    m_sdk_directory.assign(1, '\0');
-  }
-  // We should have put a single NULL character into m_sdk_directory or it
-  // should have a valid path if the code gets here
-  assert(m_sdk_directory.empty() == false);
-  if (m_sdk_directory[0])
-    return m_sdk_directory.c_str();
-  return NULL;
+llvm::StringRef PlatformiOSSimulator::GetSDKDirectoryAsCString() {
+  llvm::StringRef sdk;
+  sdk = HostInfo::GetXcodeSDKPath(XcodeSDK("iPhoneSimulator.Internal.sdk"));
+  if (sdk.empty())
+    sdk = HostInfo::GetXcodeSDKPath(XcodeSDK("iPhoneSimulator.sdk"));
+  return sdk;
 Status PlatformiOSSimulator::GetSymbolFile(const FileSpec &platform_file,
@@ -304,10 +258,10 @@
   if (platform_file.GetPath(platform_file_path, sizeof(platform_file_path))) {
     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
-    const char *sdk_dir = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
-    if (sdk_dir) {
-      ::snprintf(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path), "%s/%s", sdk_dir,
-                 platform_file_path);
+    llvm::StringRef sdk_dir = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+    if (!sdk_dir.empty()) {
+      ::snprintf(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path), "%s/%s",
+                 sdk_dir.str().c_str(), platform_file_path);
       // First try in the SDK and see if the file is in there
       local_file.SetFile(resolved_path, FileSpec::Style::native);
@@ -385,6 +339,7 @@
     arch = platform_arch;
     if (arch.IsValid()) {
+      arch.GetTriple().setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::Simulator);
       return true;
   } else {
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleWatchSimulator.h
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleWatchSimulator.h
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleWatchSimulator.h
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
-#include "PlatformDarwin.h"
+#include "PlatformAppleSimulator.h"
-class PlatformAppleWatchSimulator : public PlatformDarwin {
+class PlatformAppleWatchSimulator : public PlatformAppleSimulator {
   // Class Functions
   static lldb::PlatformSP CreateInstance(bool force,
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
   std::string m_sdk_directory;
   std::string m_build_update;
-  const char *GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+  llvm::StringRef GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
   PlatformAppleWatchSimulator(const PlatformAppleWatchSimulator &) = delete;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleWatchSimulator.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleWatchSimulator.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleWatchSimulator.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
   bool create = force;
   if (!create && arch && arch->IsValid()) {
     switch (arch->GetMachine()) {
-    case llvm::Triple::x86_64: {
+    case llvm::Triple::x86_64:
+    case llvm::Triple::x86: {
       const llvm::Triple &triple = arch->GetTriple();
       switch (triple.getVendor()) {
       case llvm::Triple::Apple:
@@ -143,7 +144,8 @@
 /// Default Constructor
-    : PlatformDarwin(true), m_sdk_directory() {}
+    : PlatformAppleSimulator(
+          CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID::appleWatch) {}
 /// Destructor.
@@ -153,9 +155,9 @@
 void PlatformAppleWatchSimulator::GetStatus(Stream &strm) {
-  const char *sdk_directory = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
-  if (sdk_directory)
-    strm.Printf("  SDK Path: \"%s\"\n", sdk_directory);
+  llvm::StringRef sdk_directory = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+  if (!sdk_directory.empty())
+    strm.Printf("  SDK Path: \"%s\"\n", sdk_directory.str().c_str());
     strm.PutCString("  SDK Path: error: unable to locate SDK\n");
@@ -236,59 +238,12 @@
   return error;
-static FileSystem::EnumerateDirectoryResult
-EnumerateDirectoryCallback(void *baton, llvm::sys::fs::file_type ft,
-                           llvm::StringRef path) {
-  if (ft == llvm::sys::fs::file_type::directory_file) {
-    FileSpec file_spec(path);
-    const char *filename = file_spec.GetFilename().GetCString();
-    if (filename &&
-        strncmp(filename, "AppleWatchSimulator",
-                strlen("AppleWatchSimulator")) == 0) {
-      ::snprintf((char *)baton, PATH_MAX, "%s", filename);
-      return FileSystem::eEnumerateDirectoryResultQuit;
-    }
-  }
-  return FileSystem::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
-const char *PlatformAppleWatchSimulator::GetSDKDirectoryAsCString() {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_sdk_dir_mutex);
-  if (m_sdk_directory.empty()) {
-    if (FileSpec fspec = HostInfo::GetXcodeDeveloperDirectory()) {
-      std::string developer_dir = fspec.GetPath();
-      char sdks_directory[PATH_MAX];
-      char sdk_dirname[PATH_MAX];
-      sdk_dirname[0] = '\0';
-      snprintf(sdks_directory, sizeof(sdks_directory),
-               "%s/Platforms/AppleWatchSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs",
-               developer_dir.c_str());
-      FileSpec simulator_sdk_spec;
-      bool find_directories = true;
-      bool find_files = false;
-      bool find_other = false;
-      FileSystem::Instance().EnumerateDirectory(
-          sdks_directory, find_directories, find_files, find_other,
-          EnumerateDirectoryCallback, sdk_dirname);
-      if (sdk_dirname[0]) {
-        m_sdk_directory = sdks_directory;
-        m_sdk_directory.append(1, '/');
-        m_sdk_directory.append(sdk_dirname);
-        return m_sdk_directory.c_str();
-      }
-    }
-    // Assign a single NULL character so we know we tried to find the device
-    // support directory and we don't keep trying to find it over and over.
-    m_sdk_directory.assign(1, '\0');
-  }
-  // We should have put a single NULL character into m_sdk_directory or it
-  // should have a valid path if the code gets here
-  assert(m_sdk_directory.empty() == false);
-  if (m_sdk_directory[0])
-    return m_sdk_directory.c_str();
-  return NULL;
+llvm::StringRef PlatformAppleWatchSimulator::GetSDKDirectoryAsCString() {
+  llvm::StringRef sdk;
+  sdk = HostInfo::GetXcodeSDKPath(XcodeSDK("WatchSimulator.Internal.sdk"));
+  if (sdk.empty())
+    sdk = HostInfo::GetXcodeSDKPath(XcodeSDK("WatchSimulator.sdk"));
+  return sdk;
 Status PlatformAppleWatchSimulator::GetSymbolFile(const FileSpec &platform_file,
@@ -299,10 +254,10 @@
   if (platform_file.GetPath(platform_file_path, sizeof(platform_file_path))) {
     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
-    const char *sdk_dir = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
-    if (sdk_dir) {
-      ::snprintf(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path), "%s/%s", sdk_dir,
-                 platform_file_path);
+    llvm::StringRef sdk_dir = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+    if (!sdk_dir.empty()) {
+      ::snprintf(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path), "%s/%s",
+                 sdk_dir.str().c_str(), platform_file_path);
       // First try in the SDK and see if the file is in there
       local_file.SetFile(resolved_path, FileSpec::Style::native);
@@ -372,13 +327,20 @@
 bool PlatformAppleWatchSimulator::GetSupportedArchitectureAtIndex(
     uint32_t idx, ArchSpec &arch) {
-  static const ArchSpec platform_arch(
-      HostInfo::GetArchitecture(HostInfo::eArchKind64));
   if (idx == 0) {
-    arch = platform_arch;
+    arch = HostInfo::GetArchitecture(HostInfo::eArchKind32);
+    if (arch.IsValid()) {
+      arch.GetTriple().setOS(llvm::Triple::WatchOS);
+      arch.GetTriple().setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::Simulator);
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  if (idx == 1) {
+    arch = HostInfo::GetArchitecture(HostInfo::eArchKind64);
     if (arch.IsValid()) {
+      arch.GetTriple().setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::Simulator);
       return true;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleTVSimulator.h
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleTVSimulator.h
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleTVSimulator.h
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
-#include "PlatformDarwin.h"
+#include "PlatformAppleSimulator.h"
-class PlatformAppleTVSimulator : public PlatformDarwin {
+class PlatformAppleTVSimulator : public PlatformAppleSimulator {
   // Class Functions
   static lldb::PlatformSP CreateInstance(bool force,
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
   std::string m_sdk_directory;
   std::string m_build_update;
-  const char *GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+  llvm::StringRef GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
   PlatformAppleTVSimulator(const PlatformAppleTVSimulator &) = delete;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleTVSimulator.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleTVSimulator.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleTVSimulator.cpp
@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@
 /// Default Constructor
-    : PlatformDarwin(true), m_sdk_dir_mutex(), m_sdk_directory() {}
+    : PlatformAppleSimulator(
+          CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID::appleTV) {}
 /// Destructor.
@@ -153,9 +154,9 @@
 void PlatformAppleTVSimulator::GetStatus(Stream &strm) {
-  const char *sdk_directory = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
-  if (sdk_directory)
-    strm.Printf("  SDK Path: \"%s\"\n", sdk_directory);
+  llvm::StringRef sdk_directory = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+  if (!sdk_directory.empty())
+    strm.Printf("  SDK Path: \"%s\"\n", sdk_directory.str().c_str());
     strm.PutCString("  SDK Path: error: unable to locate SDK\n");
@@ -236,59 +237,12 @@
   return error;
-static FileSystem::EnumerateDirectoryResult
-EnumerateDirectoryCallback(void *baton, llvm::sys::fs::file_type ft,
-                           llvm::StringRef path) {
-  if (ft == llvm::sys::fs::file_type::directory_file) {
-    FileSpec file_spec(path);
-    const char *filename = file_spec.GetFilename().GetCString();
-    if (filename &&
-        strncmp(filename, "AppleTVSimulator", strlen("AppleTVSimulator")) ==
-            0) {
-      ::snprintf((char *)baton, PATH_MAX, "%s", filename);
-      return FileSystem::eEnumerateDirectoryResultQuit;
-    }
-  }
-  return FileSystem::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
-const char *PlatformAppleTVSimulator::GetSDKDirectoryAsCString() {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_sdk_dir_mutex);
-  if (m_sdk_directory.empty()) {
-    if (FileSpec fspec = HostInfo::GetXcodeDeveloperDirectory()) {
-      std::string developer_dir = fspec.GetPath();
-      char sdks_directory[PATH_MAX];
-      char sdk_dirname[PATH_MAX];
-      sdk_dirname[0] = '\0';
-      snprintf(sdks_directory, sizeof(sdks_directory),
-               "%s/Platforms/AppleTVSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs",
-               developer_dir.c_str());
-      FileSpec simulator_sdk_spec;
-      bool find_directories = true;
-      bool find_files = false;
-      bool find_other = false;
-      FileSystem::Instance().EnumerateDirectory(
-          sdks_directory, find_directories, find_files, find_other,
-          EnumerateDirectoryCallback, sdk_dirname);
-      if (sdk_dirname[0]) {
-        m_sdk_directory = sdks_directory;
-        m_sdk_directory.append(1, '/');
-        m_sdk_directory.append(sdk_dirname);
-        return m_sdk_directory.c_str();
-      }
-    }
-    // Assign a single NULL character so we know we tried to find the device
-    // support directory and we don't keep trying to find it over and over.
-    m_sdk_directory.assign(1, '\0');
-  }
-  // We should have put a single NULL character into m_sdk_directory or it
-  // should have a valid path if the code gets here
-  assert(m_sdk_directory.empty() == false);
-  if (m_sdk_directory[0])
-    return m_sdk_directory.c_str();
-  return NULL;
+llvm::StringRef PlatformAppleTVSimulator::GetSDKDirectoryAsCString() {
+  llvm::StringRef sdk;
+  sdk = HostInfo::GetXcodeSDKPath(XcodeSDK("AppleTVSimulator.Internal.sdk"));
+  if (sdk.empty())
+    sdk = HostInfo::GetXcodeSDKPath(XcodeSDK("AppleTVSimulator.sdk"));
+  return sdk;
 Status PlatformAppleTVSimulator::GetSymbolFile(const FileSpec &platform_file,
@@ -299,10 +253,10 @@
   if (platform_file.GetPath(platform_file_path, sizeof(platform_file_path))) {
     char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
-    const char *sdk_dir = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
-    if (sdk_dir) {
-      ::snprintf(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path), "%s/%s", sdk_dir,
-                 platform_file_path);
+    llvm::StringRef sdk_dir = GetSDKDirectoryAsCString();
+    if (!sdk_dir.empty()) {
+      ::snprintf(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path), "%s/%s",
+                 sdk_dir.str().c_str(), platform_file_path);
       // First try in the SDK and see if the file is in there
       local_file.SetFile(resolved_path, FileSpec::Style::native);
@@ -378,6 +332,7 @@
     arch = platform_arch;
     if (arch.IsValid()) {
+      arch.GetTriple().setEnvironment(llvm::Triple::Simulator);
       return true;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleSimulator.h
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleSimulator.h
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleSimulator.h
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
   static void Terminate();
   // Class Methods
-  PlatformAppleSimulator();
+  PlatformAppleSimulator(
+      CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID kind);
   virtual ~PlatformAppleSimulator();
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
   std::mutex m_core_sim_path_mutex;
   llvm::Optional<lldb_private::FileSpec> m_core_simulator_framework_path;
   llvm::Optional<CoreSimulatorSupport::Device> m_device;
+  CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID m_kind;
   lldb_private::FileSpec GetCoreSimulatorPath();
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleSimulator.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleSimulator.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/Platform/MacOSX/PlatformAppleSimulator.cpp
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
 void PlatformAppleSimulator::Terminate() { PlatformDarwin::Terminate(); }
 /// Default Constructor
-    : PlatformDarwin(true), m_core_sim_path_mutex(),
-      m_core_simulator_framework_path(), m_device() {}
+    CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID kind)
+    : PlatformDarwin(true), m_kind(kind) {}
 /// Destructor.
@@ -215,18 +215,11 @@
 #if defined(__APPLE__)
   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_core_sim_path_mutex);
   if (!m_core_simulator_framework_path.hasValue()) {
-    if (FileSpec fspec = HostInfo::GetXcodeDeveloperDirectory()) {
-      std::string developer_dir = fspec.GetPath();
-      StreamString cs_path;
-      cs_path.Printf(
-          "%s/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/CoreSimulator",
-          developer_dir.c_str());
-      m_core_simulator_framework_path = FileSpec(cs_path.GetData());
-      FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(*m_core_simulator_framework_path);
-    } else
-      m_core_simulator_framework_path = FileSpec();
+    m_core_simulator_framework_path =
+        FileSpec("/Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/"
+                 "CoreSimulator");
+    FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(*m_core_simulator_framework_path);
   return m_core_simulator_framework_path.getValue();
   return FileSpec();
@@ -247,8 +240,7 @@
 #if defined(__APPLE__)
 CoreSimulatorSupport::Device PlatformAppleSimulator::GetSimulatorDevice() {
   if (!m_device.hasValue()) {
-    const CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID dev_id =
-        CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID::iPhone;
+    const CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceType::ProductFamilyID dev_id = m_kind;
     std::string developer_dir = HostInfo::GetXcodeDeveloperDirectory().GetPath();
     m_device = CoreSimulatorSupport::DeviceSet::GetAvailableDevices(
Index: lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/make/Makefile.rules
--- lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/make/Makefile.rules
+++ lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/make/Makefile.rules
@@ -106,52 +106,51 @@
 	TRIPLE_ENV =$(word 4, $(triple_space))
 	ifeq "$(TRIPLE_VENDOR)" "apple"
 		ifeq "$(TRIPLE_OS)" "ios"
-			CODESIGN := codesign
-			ifeq "$(SDKROOT)" ""
-				# Set SDKROOT if it wasn't set
-				ifneq (,$(findstring arm,$(ARCH)))
-					SDKROOT = $(shell xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path)
-					ifeq "$(TRIPLE_VERSION)" ""
-						TRIPLE_VERSION =$(shell echo $(notdir $(SDKROOT)) | sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\.[0-9]\).*/\1/')
-					endif
-					ARCH_CFLAGS :=-mios-version-min=$(TRIPLE_VERSION) -isysroot "$(SDKROOT)"
-				else
-					ifeq "$(TRIPLE_ENV)" "macabi"
-						SDKROOT = $(shell xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)
-					else
-						SDKROOT = $(shell xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path)
-					endif
-					ifeq "$(TRIPLE_VERSION)" ""
-						TRIPLE_VERSION =$(shell echo $(notdir $(SDKROOT)) | sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\.[0-9]\).*/\1/')
-					endif
-					ifeq "$(TRIPLE_ENV)" "macabi"
-						ARCH_CFLAGS :=-mios-version-min=$(TRIPLE_VERSION) -isysroot "$(SDKROOT)"
-					else
-						ARCH_CFLAGS :=-mios-simulator-version-min=$(TRIPLE_VERSION) -isysroot "$(SDKROOT)"
-					endif
-				endif
+			ifeq "$(TRIPLE_ENV)" "simulator"
+				SDK_NAME := iphonesimulator
+			else
+			ifeq "$(TRIPLE_ENV)" "macabi"
+				SDK_NAME := macosx
+			else
+				SDK_NAME := iphoneos
+			endif
+			endif
+		endif
+		ifeq "$(TRIPLE_OS)" "tvos"
+			ifeq "$(TRIPLE_ENV)" "simulator"
+				SDK_NAME := appletvsimulator
+			else
+				SDK_NAME := appletvos
 		ifeq "$(TRIPLE_OS)" "watchos"
-			CODESIGN := codesign
-			ifeq "$(SDKROOT)" ""
-				# Set SDKROOT if it wasn't set
-				ifneq (,$(findstring arm,$(ARCH)))
-					SDKROOT = $(shell xcrun --sdk watchos --show-sdk-path)
-					ifeq "$(TRIPLE_VERSION)" ""
-						TRIPLE_VERSION =$(shell echo $(notdir $(SDKROOT)) | sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\.[0-9]\).*/\1/')
-					endif
-					ARCH_CFLAGS :=-mwatchos-version-min=$(TRIPLE_VERSION) -isysroot "$(SDKROOT)"
-				else
-					SDKROOT = $(shell xcrun --sdk watchsimulator --show-sdk-path)
-					ifeq "$(TRIPLE_VERSION)" ""
-						TRIPLE_VERSION =$(shell echo $(notdir $(SDKROOT)) | sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\.[0-9]\).*/\1/')
-					endif
-					ARCH_CFLAGS :=-mwatchos-simulator-version-min=$(TRIPLE_VERSION) -isysroot "$(SDKROOT)"
-				endif
+			ifeq "$(TRIPLE_ENV)" "simulator"
+				SDK_NAME := watchsimulator
+			else
+				SDK_NAME := watchos
+		ifneq "$(TRIPLE_OS)" "macosx"
+			ifeq "$(TRIPLE_ENV)" ""
+				CODESIGN := codesign
+			endif
+		endif
+		ifeq "$(SDKROOT)" ""
+			SDKROOT := $(shell xcrun --sdk $(SDK_NAME) --show-sdk-path)
+		endif
+		ifeq "$(TRIPLE_VERSION)" ""
+			TRIPLE_VERSION := $(shell echo $(notdir $(SDKROOT)) | grep -E -o -e '[0-9]+\.[0-9]')
+		endif
+		ifeq "$(TRIPLE_ENV)" "simulator"
+			ARCH_CFLAGS := -m$(TRIPLE_OS)-simulator-version-min=$(TRIPLE_VERSION)
+		else
+		ifneq "$(TRIPLE_OS)" "macosx"
+			ARCH_CFLAGS := -m$(TRIPLE_OS)-version-min=$(TRIPLE_VERSION)
+		endif
+		endif
+	ARCH_CFLAGS += -target $(TRIPLE)
 ifeq "$(OS)" "Android"
 	include $(THIS_FILE_DIR)/Android.rules
Index: lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest_args.py
--- lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest_args.py
+++ lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest_args.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
     group.add_argument('-C', '--compiler', metavar='compiler', dest='compiler', help=textwrap.dedent(
         '''Specify the compiler(s) used to build the inferior executables. The compiler path can be an executable basename or a full path to a compiler executable. This option can be specified multiple times.'''))
     if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-        group.add_argument('--apple-sdk', metavar='apple_sdk', dest='apple_sdk', default="macosx", help=textwrap.dedent(
+        group.add_argument('--apple-sdk', metavar='apple_sdk', dest='apple_sdk', default="", help=textwrap.dedent(
             '''Specify the name of the Apple SDK (macosx, macosx.internal, iphoneos, iphoneos.internal, or path to SDK) and use the appropriate tools from that SDK's toolchain.'''))
     # FIXME? This won't work for different extra flags according to each arch.
Index: lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py
--- lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py
+++ lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py
@@ -300,13 +300,6 @@
     if args.arch:
         configuration.arch = args.arch
-        if configuration.arch.startswith(
-                'arm') and platform_system == 'Darwin' and not args.apple_sdk:
-            configuration.sdkroot = seven.get_command_output(
-                'xcrun --sdk iphoneos.internal --show-sdk-path 2> /dev/null')
-            if not os.path.exists(configuration.sdkroot):
-                configuration.sdkroot = seven.get_command_output(
-                    'xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path 2> /dev/null')
         configuration.arch = platform_machine
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