teemperor added a comment.

So the way the issue with the single space is now solved is by doing 
CC_REDISPLAY when we're only adding the single space? Isn't that also deleting 
the whole autosuggestion?

In D81001#2190864 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D81001#2190864>, @gedatsu217 wrote:

>>>> I don't think the value of m_previous_autosuggestion_size should only grow 
>>>> (which is what this if is doing), as this way we just keep printing a 
>>>> longer and longer space buffer over time. Just printing enough to clear 
>>>> the buffer of the previous completion is enough.
>>> If I keep the number of characters of the only previous command, I think 
>>> there is a problem. For example, If I type "help frame var" → "help frame 
>>> info" → "help frame v", the remains are hidden. However, If I type "help 
>>> frame var" → "help frame info" → "help" → "help frame v", the number of 
>>> characters of "help frame var" is more than that of "help", so "help frame 
>>> v[aro]" is displayed. What do you think?
>> Not sure if I understand your example correctly, but as soon as you type 
>> "help frame ", you should have an autosuggestion of "help frame info" and 
>> then typing the "v" should clear the "nfo" part. The "help" autosuggestion 
>> should not be involved at all in any logic after you typed "help "?
> What I mean is that if I should keep the length of characters of the only 
> previous command, following thing occurs.
> 1. execution "help frame var" and m_previous_autosuggestion_size = len("help 
> frame var") = 14
> 2. execution "help frame info" and m_previous_autosuggestion_size = len("help 
> frame info") = 15
> 3. execution "help" and m_previous_autosuggestion_size = len("help") = 4
> 4. Typing "help frame v". Then, spaces_to_print = 
> m_previous_autosuggestion_size - line.size() - to_add.getValue().length() = 4 
> - 12 - 2 < 0. So, spaces are not added. (In short, "help frame v[aro]" is 
> displayed.)
> (Maybe, I do not understand what you say. )

I think you got it :). My point was that `m_previous_autosuggestion_size` is 
updated everytime you type a character from what I can see, so you don't see 
the `4` from step 3. It's more like this from what I can tell:

1. same as your step 1.
2. same as your step 2.
3. same asyour step 3: execution "help" and m_previous_autosuggestion_size = 
len("help") = 4

3.5 [new step]: Typing "help frame ". m_previous_autosuggestion_size = 
len("help frame info") = 15. This is because we update the size in 
TypedCharacter which gets triggered for every character.

4. Typing "help frame v". Then, spaces_to_print = 
m_previous_autosuggestion_size - line.size() - to_add.getValue().length() = 15 
- 12 - 2 = 1. (which is exactly the space needed to overwrite the 'o').

Comment at: lldb/source/Host/common/Editline.cpp:1009
+      if (m_suggestion_callback && to_add.empty()) {
+        to_add.push_back(' ');
I think this can be shortened to just:
      to_add.push_back(' ');
      el_insertstr(m_editline, to_add.c_str());
      // Clear autosuggestion from line buffer if we only added a space.
      if (to_add == " ")
        return CC_REDISPLAY;
      return CC_REFRESH;

Comment at: lldb/source/Host/common/Editline.cpp:1081
+    if (spaces_to_print > 0) {
+      std::string spaces = std::string((int)spaces_to_print, ' ');
+      fputs(spaces.c_str(), m_output_file);
The `(int)` cast isn't necessary.



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