mgorny added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/include/lldb/Host/common/NativeProcessProtocol.h:389
+    m_enabled_extensions = flags;
+    return llvm::Error::success();
+  }
labath wrote:
> Are you sure that returning success is the best "default" behavior? Maybe the 
> base implementation should always return an error (as it does not implement 
> any extensions)? Or return success, only if one enables an empty set of 
> extensions?
I'm not sure whether we need error handling here at all.

The current impl doesn't do anything but setting an instance var here. The 
original impl controlled events to `PTRACE_SETOPTIONS` but in the end I've 
decided to enable tracing fork/vfork unconditionally, and just using extensions 
to decide whether to handle it locally or defer to client.

I suppose it might make sense to review other patches first and get back to 
this one once we're sure what we need.

Comment at: 
+  llvm::Error error = process.SetEnabledExtensions(flags);
+  if (error)
+    LLDB_LOG_ERROR(log, std::move(error),
+                   "Enabling protocol extensions failed: {0}");
labath wrote:
> ... or actually, I am wondering if this should not be a hard error/assertion. 
> In the current set up, I think it would be a programmer error if the factory 
> reports an extension as supported, but then the instance fails to enable it...
Technically, the original idea was that this would fail if `ptrace()` failed to 
set options. But as I said, this is no longer the case, so I'm not even sure if 
we need any error reporting here.


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