vadimcn added a comment.

> Is it possible to get your IDE to record the module & the address?

I don't control the definition of the protocol (FWIW it's Microsoft's Debug 
Adapter Protocol), but I'll look into that, maybe there's a way to sneak in 
extra information.   In which case, what is the correct way to save/restore 
instruction breakpoints across lldb runs?   Even if I save module path or UUID, 
there seems to be no SB API to create a breakpoint using this information.

What if the module gets recompiled?  I still could end up with my breakpoint 
slapped in the middle of an instruction.   It seems to me that perfect safety 
is just impossible here...

> More generally, using raw address breakpoints is fallible, and whenever you 
> find yourself doing that you should probably see if you can do anything else.
> ...
> This patch as is worries me because it moves us further down the path of 
> passing around raw addresses from run to run, and when that doesn't work it 
> can cause hard to diagnose problems in the running of the process.

I dunno, I guess I am in the camp of "Give a stern warning, but don't second 
guess the developer".    It's pretty annoying when your tool refuses to do 
something, which you know is reasonable under the circumstances, not because of 
a technical limitation, but "for your own good".

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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