jingham added a comment.

In D109738#3054058 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D109738#3054058>, @vadimcn wrote:

>> Is it possible to get your IDE to record the module & the address?
> I don't control the definition of the protocol (FWIW it's Microsoft's Debug 
> Adapter Protocol), but I'll look into that, maybe there's a way to sneak in 
> extra information.   In which case, what is the correct way to save/restore 
> instruction breakpoints across lldb runs?   Even if I save module path or 
> UUID, there seems to be no SB API to create a breakpoint using this 
> information.

If you want to save the section relative address info within an lldb session, 
if you resolve a load address against the Module containing the address (or 
just resolve the load address using the target when the process is running) 
will give you a section relative address.

If you are interested in saving it across sessions, I would save the module 
UUID and the file address in that module.  Then the next time you need to 
create the breakpoint, look up the module by UUID, and then call 
ResolveFileAddress and use the SBAddress you get back to resolve the breakpoint.

> What if the module gets recompiled?  I still could end up with my breakpoint 
> slapped in the middle of an instruction.   It seems to me that perfect safety 
> is just impossible here...

Provided the system you are working on has reliable UUID's, the UUID will 
protect against that.  If you don't have reliable UUID's then you have to fall 
back to storing mod times or something.

>> More generally, using raw address breakpoints is fallible, and whenever you 
>> find yourself doing that you should probably see if you can do anything else.
>> ...
>> This patch as is worries me because it moves us further down the path of 
>> passing around raw addresses from run to run, and when that doesn't work it 
>> can cause hard to diagnose problems in the running of the process.
> I dunno, I guess I am in the camp of "Give a stern warning, but don't second 
> guess the developer".    It's pretty annoying when your tool refuses to do 
> something, which you know is reasonable under the circumstances, not because 
> of a technical limitation, but "for your own good".

The alternative reading is "this is an area where you can get yourself into 
trouble if you don't do it right, so we should make it easy to do the right 
thing (always record address breakpoints with modules, and don't be smart about 
trying to "reset" them on rerun.)  Seems like lldb should take care of that.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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