@@ -302,6 +303,256 @@ bool CompilerType::IsBeingDefined() const {
   return false;
+bool CompilerType::IsSmartPtrType() const {
+  // These regular expressions cover shared, unique and weak pointers both from
+  // stdlibc++ and libc+++.
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_unique_ptr_regex(
+      "^std::__[[:alnum:]]+::unique_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_shared_ptr_regex(
+      "^std::__[[:alnum:]]+::shared_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_weak_ptr_regex(
+      "^std::__[[:alnum:]]+::weak_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  //
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_unique_ptr_regex_2(
+      "^std::unique_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_shared_ptr_regex_2(
+      "^std::shared_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  static llvm::Regex k_libcxx_std_weak_ptr_regex_2(
+      "^std::weak_ptr<.+>(( )?&)?$");
+  //
+  llvm::StringRef name = GetTypeName();
+  return k_libcxx_std_unique_ptr_regex.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_shared_ptr_regex.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_weak_ptr_regex.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_unique_ptr_regex_2.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_shared_ptr_regex_2.match(name) ||
+         k_libcxx_std_weak_ptr_regex_2.match(name);
+bool CompilerType::IsInteger() const {
+  // This is used when you don't care about the signedness of the integer.
+  bool is_signed;
+  return IsIntegerType(is_signed);
+bool CompilerType::IsFloat() const {
+  uint32_t count = 0;
+  bool is_complex = false;
+  return IsFloatingPointType(count, is_complex);
+bool CompilerType::IsEnumerationType() const {
+  // This is used when you don't care about the signedness of the enum.
+  bool is_signed;
+  return IsEnumerationType(is_signed);
+bool CompilerType::IsUnscopedEnumerationType() const {
+  return IsEnumerationType() && !IsScopedEnumerationType();
+bool CompilerType::IsIntegerOrUnscopedEnumerationType() const {
+  return IsInteger() || IsUnscopedEnumerationType();
+bool CompilerType::IsSigned() const {
+  if (IsEnumerationType()) {
+    return IsEnumerationIntegerTypeSigned();
+  }
+  return GetTypeInfo() & lldb::eTypeIsSigned;
+bool CompilerType::IsNullPtrType() const {
+  return GetCanonicalType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration() ==
+         lldb::eBasicTypeNullPtr;
+bool CompilerType::IsBoolean() const {
+  return GetCanonicalType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration() == lldb::eBasicTypeBool;
+bool CompilerType::IsEnumerationIntegerTypeSigned() const {
+  if (IsValid()) {
+    return GetEnumerationIntegerType().GetTypeInfo() & lldb::eTypeIsSigned;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool CompilerType::IsScalarOrUnscopedEnumerationType() const {
+  return IsScalarType() || IsUnscopedEnumerationType();
+bool CompilerType::IsPromotableIntegerType() const {
+  // Unscoped enums are always considered as promotable, even if their
+  // underlying type does not need to be promoted (e.g. "int").
+  if (IsUnscopedEnumerationType()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  switch (GetCanonicalType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration()) {
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeBool:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeSignedChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeUnsignedChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeShort:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeUnsignedShort:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeWChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeSignedWChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeUnsignedWChar:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeChar16:
+  case lldb::eBasicTypeChar32:
+    return true;
+  default:
+    return false;
+  }
+bool CompilerType::IsPointerToVoid() const {
+  if (!IsValid())
+    return false;
+  return IsPointerType() &&
+         GetPointeeType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration() == lldb::eBasicTypeVoid;
+bool CompilerType::IsRecordType() const {
+  if (!IsValid())
+    return false;
+  return GetCanonicalType().GetTypeClass() &
+         (lldb::eTypeClassClass | lldb::eTypeClassStruct |
+          lldb::eTypeClassUnion);
+// Checks whether `target_base` is a virtual base of `type` (direct or
+// indirect). If it is, stores the first virtual base type on the path from
+// `type` to `target_type`.
+bool CompilerType::IsVirtualBase(CompilerType target_base,
+                                 CompilerType *virtual_base,
+                                 bool carry_virtual) const {
+  if (CompareTypes(target_base)) {
+    return carry_virtual;
+  }
+  if (!carry_virtual) {
+    uint32_t num_virtual_bases = GetNumVirtualBaseClasses();
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_virtual_bases; ++i) {
+      uint32_t bit_offset;
+      auto base = GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(i, &bit_offset);
+      if (base.IsVirtualBase(target_base, virtual_base,
+                             /*carry_virtual*/ true)) {
+        if (virtual_base) {
+          *virtual_base = base;
+        }
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  uint32_t num_direct_bases = GetNumDirectBaseClasses();
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_direct_bases; ++i) {
+    uint32_t bit_offset;
+    auto base = GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(i, &bit_offset);
+    if (base.IsVirtualBase(target_base, virtual_base, carry_virtual)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+bool CompilerType::IsContextuallyConvertibleToBool() const {
+  return IsScalarType() || IsUnscopedEnumerationType() || IsPointerType() ||
+         IsNullPtrType() || IsArrayType();
+bool CompilerType::IsBasicType() const {
+  return GetCanonicalType().GetBasicTypeEnumeration() !=
+         lldb::eBasicTypeInvalid;
+std::string CompilerType::TypeDescription() {
+  auto name = GetTypeName();
+  auto canonical_name = GetCanonicalType().GetTypeName();
+  if (name.IsEmpty() || canonical_name.IsEmpty()) {
+    return "''"; // should not happen
+  }
+  if (name == canonical_name) {
+    return llvm::formatv("'{0}'", name);
+  }
+  return llvm::formatv("'{0}' (aka '{1}')", name, canonical_name);
bulbazord wrote:

Suggestion: Instead of "'foo' (aka 'bar')" maybe something like

"'foo' (canonically referred to as 'bar')"?

My reasoning is 'aka' does not specify where this information is "known" or who 
knows it. Maybe canonical is also the wrong word but I think it would be useful 
to tell folks more than just "this type is also known as this other type". 
Maybe it's just me though. 

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