feg208 wrote:

> These seem like fairly POSIX-y bits of data, is there not a Posix way to get 
> these (so other posix systems will also get this info?)

Not that I know of for arbitrary processes in linux. fwiw the original code 
without these values got similar bits out of the proc filesystem

> Also, it looks like you added user time and system time information, but you 
> didn't test that those get valid values.

I did not. My concern here is that this would make for flaky tests. The issue 
is that these times are going to be very dependent on the cpus they are 
scheduled to, what else is running on that same machine and so on. I guess we 
could do a bunch of stuff to pin the unit test process in place and make it 
more controllable but that tends to imply permissions for the host executing 
the unit test. Or maybe you were thinking of another way? I am all ears if so.  

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