jimingham wrote:

> > The user and system times should be monotonically increasing. So you could 
> > stop at a breakpoint, fetch the times, then run your program through a 
> > little spin loop to burn some CPU before hitting a second breakpoint. Then 
> > get the times again and assert that they are > the first set. You could 
> > also set a timer in the test between the first and second stop and assert 
> > that the difference in system and user time is less than or equal to the 
> > timer difference. A single threaded program can only run on one core at a 
> > time, so that should always be true.
> I added a test for user time. System time seems really likely to be flaky in 
> the unittest. It'll increase with kernel time. However if I use side-effect 
> free system calls like getpid() to try and increase that counter it seems 
> like that'll move around a lot from different kernels on different machines

It should never decrease, however.  If you were just getting garbage values, 
then there should be a roughly even chance the second value will be less than 
the first.  So this still gives some confidence this isn't totally bogus...

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