On 04/24/2020 03:24 AM, Sam McCall wrote:
> clangd's experience using github issues to track bugs (in a separate repo) 
> has been very positive, and I'm glad you're pushing on this!
> Part of this has been that our issue tracker has been scoped to our 
> subproject only, which is a scope that the tool works well for (on the user 
> and developer side).
> As such I don't think we should migrate clangd to a using the monorepo 
> bugtracker. Email subscription to a label is better than nothing, but worse 
> than a separate repo.
> Removing the clangd label from the monorepo bugtracker seems like the 
> simplest thing, though I'm happy to work on auto-moving bugs if that's better.
> (I'd suggest considering the same for other subprojects, though I know that's 
> not a popular opinion here)

I think it's important for everything in the monorepo to use the same bug 

There are advantages to having code in the monorepo (e.g. free
updates for API changes, a more consistent build experience, etc.).
But there are also costs, as you have pointed out, like having to use
a less than ideal bug tracker.  It's really up to sub-projects
to make the decision about whether these benefits are worth the costs.
The flang developers have just gone through this process and have
had to make some sacrifices to get the code in, but ultimately felt the
sacrifices were worth it.

I think it hurts the ability of developers and users to collaborate effectively,
if the infrastructure for the project is spread across too many different 
And good collaboration is key for a project of this size with some many tightly
connected components.

Getting back to the proposal we are discussing.  Do you have any specific 
for improvements that might help make it align better with the kind of 
the clangd users and developers are looking for?

- Tom

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