@@ -2386,25 +2362,26 @@ std::error_code 
DataAggregator::writeBATYAML(BinaryContext &BC,
         return std::pair(BlockIt->first, BlockIt->second.getBBIndex());
-      for (const auto &[FromOffset, SuccKV] : Branches.IntraIndex) {
-        const auto &[_, Index] = getBlock(FromOffset);
-        yaml::bolt::BinaryBasicBlockProfile &YamlBB = YamlBF.Blocks[Index];
-        for (const auto &[SuccOffset, SuccDataIdx] : SuccKV)
-          if (BlockMap.isInputBlock(SuccOffset))
-            YamlBB.Successors.emplace_back(
-                getSuccessorInfo(SuccOffset, SuccDataIdx));
-      }
-      for (const auto &[FromOffset, CallTo] : Branches.InterIndex) {
-        const auto &[BlockOffset, BlockIndex] = getBlock(FromOffset);
-        yaml::bolt::BinaryBasicBlockProfile &YamlBB = 
-        const uint32_t Offset = FromOffset - BlockOffset;
-        for (const auto &[CallToLoc, CallToIdx] : CallTo)
-          YamlBB.CallSites.emplace_back(
-              getCallSiteInfo(CallToLoc, CallToIdx, Offset));
-        llvm::sort(YamlBB.CallSites, [](yaml::bolt::CallSiteInfo &A,
-                                        yaml::bolt::CallSiteInfo &B) {
-          return A.Offset < B.Offset;
-        });
+      for (const llvm::bolt::BranchInfo &BI : Branches.Data) {
+        using namespace yaml::bolt;
+        const auto &[BlockOffset, BlockIndex] = getBlock(BI.From.Offset);
+        BinaryBasicBlockProfile &YamlBB = YamlBF.Blocks[BlockIndex];
+        if (BI.To.IsSymbol && BI.To.Name == BI.From.Name && BI.To.Offset != 0) 
+          // Internal branch
+          const unsigned SuccIndex = getBlock(BI.To.Offset).second;
+          auto &SI = YamlBB.Successors.emplace_back(SuccessorInfo{SuccIndex});
+          SI.Count = BI.Branches;
aaupov wrote:

It can, but I decided to keep it this way for two reasons:
1) type impedance (int vs uint) between BI and SI requiring a cast
2) making it explicit where Branches and Mispreds are assigned (vs implicitly 
in constructor parameter order).

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