@@ -2386,25 +2362,26 @@ std::error_code 
DataAggregator::writeBATYAML(BinaryContext &BC,
         return std::pair(BlockIt->first, BlockIt->second.getBBIndex());
-      for (const auto &[FromOffset, SuccKV] : Branches.IntraIndex) {
-        const auto &[_, Index] = getBlock(FromOffset);
-        yaml::bolt::BinaryBasicBlockProfile &YamlBB = YamlBF.Blocks[Index];
-        for (const auto &[SuccOffset, SuccDataIdx] : SuccKV)
-          if (BlockMap.isInputBlock(SuccOffset))
-            YamlBB.Successors.emplace_back(
-                getSuccessorInfo(SuccOffset, SuccDataIdx));
-      }
-      for (const auto &[FromOffset, CallTo] : Branches.InterIndex) {
-        const auto &[BlockOffset, BlockIndex] = getBlock(FromOffset);
-        yaml::bolt::BinaryBasicBlockProfile &YamlBB = 
-        const uint32_t Offset = FromOffset - BlockOffset;
-        for (const auto &[CallToLoc, CallToIdx] : CallTo)
-          YamlBB.CallSites.emplace_back(
-              getCallSiteInfo(CallToLoc, CallToIdx, Offset));
-        llvm::sort(YamlBB.CallSites, [](yaml::bolt::CallSiteInfo &A,
-                                        yaml::bolt::CallSiteInfo &B) {
-          return A.Offset < B.Offset;
-        });
+      for (const llvm::bolt::BranchInfo &BI : Branches.Data) {
+        using namespace yaml::bolt;
+        const auto &[BlockOffset, BlockIndex] = getBlock(BI.From.Offset);
+        BinaryBasicBlockProfile &YamlBB = YamlBF.Blocks[BlockIndex];
+        if (BI.To.IsSymbol && BI.To.Name == BI.From.Name && BI.To.Offset != 0) 
+          // Internal branch
+          const unsigned SuccIndex = getBlock(BI.To.Offset).second;
+          auto &SI = YamlBB.Successors.emplace_back(SuccessorInfo{SuccIndex});
+          SI.Count = BI.Branches;
aaupov wrote:

Type impedance means that if Count and Mispreds are passed to the constructor 
there needs to be an explicit cast (as the constructor doesn't accept uints). 
Whereas if the values are assigned to, there's an implicit cast.

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