On Sep 3, 2004, at 3:56 AM, Mattias Brändström wrote:


I have two questions about the log4cxx API.

First of all, when I configure log4cxx in the following way:


it fails silently. Is this the way it is supposed to behave? I would have preffered it to say something similar to what it says when I point it to a file that edoes not exist.

Don't know that one off the top of my head

My second question is about the String class. In the examples I have seen strings are constructed with _T(). Where is this function declared? Where is String declared? Will it be OK for me to send strings to log4cxx using std::string?

I've been assigned to rework the Unicode support and will dive into as soon as I finish my current project. The bug report (http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/LOGCXX-10) has more details. _T is a preprocessor macro defined in log4cxx/helpers/tchar.h (patterned after Windows tchar.h) that wraps the string literal with a L so make it a long string literal if UNICODE is defined. Currently log4cxx only supports logging Unicode or MBCS, in my rework, it can support both simultaneously. I expect to remove the _T macro from log4cxx (since it can be inconsistent with the Windows tchar.h definition) and would avoid using it in new code. String is an alias for std::string unless UNICODE is set when it is an alias for std::wstring. So if you pass char* or std::string's to log4cxx, you should see no changes when I've finished the Unicode rework.

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