Hi all,
I’m including log4cxx in my app, which I’m coding in Visual Studio 2012.
I built log4cxx and I
-        Included the build path in Properties->VC++ Directories->Library 
-        Included log4cxx.lib in Properties->Linker->Input->Additional 
When I compile log4cxx as a static library the compilation of my app complain 
during the linking phase.
When I compile log4cxx as a dynamic library the compilation completes without 
problems, but the execution complains about the fact that log4cxx.dll is 
What’s the right configuration? Should I copy the DLL in some directory or link 
it somehow?


Luca Gherardi, PhD
Postdoc at ETH Zurich
Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control
Room ML K 34
Sonneggstrasse 3 - 8092 Zurich

Office: +41 44 632 73 55
Mobile: +41 788 833 174 
Home: www.lucagherardi.it

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