Only comment I can think of after looking at the code is that the sub- layout elements (logger, priority, messageLayout etc) don't quite make senses to me as 'layout's. they are really LayoutElements rather than a complete layout, but given one _might_ want to simply have a layout of only one element, your approach does mean you could use a low-level layout. It's just the names of the classes I guess.

Any reason to choose LogRecord as the name of the interface rather than come up with a distinct name that doesn't use something from the jul framework? (there's no reason to use log4j LoggingEvent either).


On 29/04/2007, at 5:45 AM, Curt Arnold wrote:

I've committed an initial dump of a rework of the apache-log4j- pattern-layout project into a log4j 2.0 design experiment. The code is not currently functional, but does compile.

All the new stuff is in the org.apache.logging and derived packages. org.apache.log4j.* sources should be identical to the pattern-layout project and similar to the log4j 1.3 source. Package layout is very preliminary.


Two-phase pipeline on layouts: an initial value extraction step that would occur on the same thread as the logging request and a subsequent render step that could be deferred. The idea is that asynchronous appenders would be implemented by extracting the data that would be later rendered and not try to preserve the entire state of the logging event even if much of it is not used.

Attribute based declaration of thread safety: @Immutable and @ThreadSafe are used to declare thread-safety. If things are naturally thread-safe, they should declare it and the configuration code may optimize based on it. If code needs thread-safety, then it can check for the presence of the attributes and if not there, externally synchronize the object (see o.a.logging.core.impl.SynchronizedLayout for example).

Parameterized layouts: Layouts can be parameterized for different destination types. The most common would be a Layout<Appendable> which would be the closest analog to org.apache.log4j.Layout. Other layouts may be Layout<ByteBuffer> for binary layouts or Layout<org.xml.sax.ContentHandler> for XML layouts. All the composting, threading and extracting stuff is generic for layouts regardless of their destination type.

Opaque context: The context of the logging call is provided by a distinct context object which is should have value semantics. The nature of the context beyond that is very open ended. The log4j 1.2 LoggingEvent wrapper exposes the NDC and MDC through the context object. The j.u.l wrapper doesn't provide a context object. Advanced logging API's could introduce any fancy thing (per thread, per connection, per user etc) they would like (they would just need to add the corresponding layouts that interpret it at the back end). Context may be constant across a large number of logging requests, so keeping the context as a distinct value object just seems right.

Localization: I've tried to preserve all the localization capabilities of j.u.l at hopefully little cost when they are not used.

Object messaging: The message is still a plain Object, not a string. Stock layouts will likely convert it to a string during the extraction phase, but you could provide your own layout that does special handling if it is safe for deferred processing.

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