On Jun 21, 2007, at 1:18 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

I'd still like us to consider finishing the property support included in LoggerRepositoryEx (mostly requiring new functionality being added to LoggingEvent). It would make finishing up the backporting of the appenders & receivers essentially complete.

Forgot about that over my Oregon vacation. I don't see a way to do it in component and I'm hesitant to add what appeared to be a complicated feature (at least how it was implemented in log4j 1.3) to log4j 1.2.

Also, I'm not sure of the state of our support for slf4j via ULogger - are we planning on removing that or tracking slf4j?

Though the heritage of org.apache.log4j.ULogger is tied up with UGLI and SLF4J, its presence in component is strictly to support log4j 1.3 backports that used LoggerRepositoryEx.getLogger() for internal logging. I would not anticipate either removing it or tracking slf4j. All this component stuff is there to support backports and will not be brought over to log4j 2.0.

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