--- Comment #33 from Aaron Digulla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  2008-07-08 02:42:20 PST 
Re comment 25:


Code from deployed webapps is never executed in the main thread. Tomcat creates
worker threads for that. So what your app is doing is the second thing I
mentioned in comment 23: It's adding code to some hook (VM shutdown hooks, for

org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.clearReferences() triggers the bug
by overwriting all static variables in your webapp (classes and JARs) with
null. It's not the place where you made the mistake; it's just the place where
you notice you made it.

All your other questions have been answered before, too, like the reason why
log4j can't give you a useful stack trace. To be able to do that, log4j would
need to intercept all writes to static variables and remember the stack traces
when they happen. I know of no VM which allows that in an efficient manner.

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