Wow - it is really great to have you digging into this.

Did you look at It has two 
sample json configuration files and talks about what you need to do to use 
arrays.  In particular, the loggers section looks like 

    "loggers": {
      "logger": [
        { "name": "EventLogger", "level": "info", "additivity": "false", 
"appender-ref": { "ref": "Routing" }},
        { "name": "", "level": "error", "additivity": "false", 
"appender-ref": { "ref": "Console" }}
      "root": { "level": "error", "appender-ref": { "ref": "STDOUT" }}

On Apr 28, 2012, at 6:09 AM, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

> Hei folks,
> i created a simple json configuration. I could not load it for unknown
> reasons, but I want to address something else with this message.
> Given this:
> {
>    "configuration": {
>        "appenders": {
>            "Console": {
>                "name": "Console",
>                "PatternLayout": {
>                    "pattern": "%m%n"
>                }
>            }
>        },
>        "loggers": {
>            "logger": {
>                "name": "Sub",
>                "level": "TRACE",
>                "appender-ref": {
>                    "ref": "Console"
>                }
>            },
>            "root": {
>                "level": "error",
>                "appender-ref": {
>                    "ref": "Console"
>                }
>            }
>        }
>    }
> }
> Why don't we use JSON arrays? For example in the "loggers" Objekt we
> define a "logger" and "root". It seems to me that I would need another
> "logger" pretty soon. It is more or less a type of what I want. But
> having the same keys in one single object feels strange. It is not
> permitted form the json format (to my knowledge), but what I somebody
> wants to create a gui to create these files? In case of for example JS
> he might have a problem with duplicated keys.
> We could rewrite it to:
> "loggers": [
>               {
>                "type" : "logger",
>                "name": "Sub",
>                "level": "TRACE",
>                "appender-ref": {  "ref": "Console" }
>                },
>                {
>                "type" : "root",
>                "name": "App",
>                "level": "TRACE",
>                "appender-ref": {  "ref": "Console" }
>                }
>             ],
> This feels more intuitive to me and might avoid problems when others
> want ot use that file. At the moment I am not educated on the impacts
> of this change yet. I would say the same should happen with appenders
> or any other key, which holds a list of objects.
> Cheers
> Christian
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