On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 4:38 AM, Xen <x...@dds.nl> wrote:

> That doesn't really mean anything. I'm just saying that today feedback
> might be handy instead of that neediness.
> Sorry to say, but I have an interest in this project as well of course,
> and If I seem rude, it's just because I want things to be clear for me and
> for you as well. Maybe that is presumptuous or out of my league or anything
> of that kind -- can't find a better word right now.
> Maybe you'd consider that outrageous, I don't know, but to get back:.
> I am writing these emails to help you /SAVE/ time because I think and feel
> and know that if you do /ineffective things/ you will in the end not have
> spent your time well. You might be "effectively" be spending your time on a
> disaster course, to put it real bluntly, it's not what I mean. You might be
> effectively doing something that in the end doesn't really work out. Then
> your "effective time spent" will still have been very ineffectively spent.
> You'd agree with that, right?.
> You wouldn't want to be spending your time on some effort and in the end
> all this time or most of it would have gone to waste because a few years
> down the road you run into a problem (such as lack of uptake/enthusiasm)
> and you can't understand why people are not using your program and in the
> end there were some things you didn't understand at the time.... it could
> be right? .... and you may find you need to revamp a whole lot because it
> is starting to dawn on you.
> I know I am being offensive, I can't find a better way to express myself
> about this.. pardon my mind and my illness.
> Currently I /can't/ work on Log4J because I have supplied a patch or at
> least a request for comments on the Jira and I haven't had any feedback on
> that. So how am I supposed to "go ahead and do stuff?". Okay it was also
> because for a few days my emails didn't get through.
> So you're basically criticising my lack of "do-ocracy lovingness" but I've
> spent at least a number of hours coding and exploring and I just haven't
> had the feedback yet to go on, to do something else.
> The code is sitting there in my Git folder and I don't know what to do
> with it, I can't commit it or push it I'd have to fork on Github or
> whatever. This is due to my newness with open source versioning control.
> I have asked in one of my emails whether there was a need for additional
> Builder classes. I got no response to that, so I went ahead and devised one
> of my own that I think would be handy, the most obvious one. I supplied a
> Jira (and sent an email, but it didn't get through) and now I'm just still
> in limbo.
> Then I spend the time in between to give feedback on what you are doing
> and how you are doing it, and from what I see that is effective and what is
> not effective, and I say some things about it. But most people in open
> source do not consider thinking about effectiveness to be an effective way
> to spend your time, and I guess you are the same.
> And how should I know about your family and how you choose to spend your
> time? If you have obligations you don't want, that's none of my business.
> I have an illness that basically takes a lot of time from me and causes me
> not to be able to have or hold or try to get any kind of job, nor can I
> finish my studies. That is also none of your business, the way it is stated.

I am sorry to read that you are ill. I hope get better soon.


> If you can't spend the time reflecting on your endeavours and your
> efforts, well that is your problem not mine. And you also should not ask me
> to make it my problem -- that you don't have time for that.
> I am giving the pristinely helpful advice to not go /begging/ yes BEGGING
> for affection from other open source teams. That is basically what Gary
> (And yes I am overreaching my bounds, because I do not know any of you yet)
> (or still) (or whatever) and I am taking the liberty to call you by first
> name as if I know you. Hurt me for it. Please do.
> That's basically what mr. Gregory is trying to do. I am just saying it
> might not be as pristinely helpful to do it. To do that. I know I am
> interfering with your business - what am I to it?..
> But this is a pubic mailing list and I guess that's the nature of things.
> So sorry if I seem to be wasting my time on this. I guess I am, but that
> depends on how welcome or effective it is in getting something through or
> making someone happy, so to say.
> I'm just a sorry figure that can't do anything in life. I have no skills
> and no abilities, I try to learn some and I fail.
> a) I am asking you to solve a specific problem but the specific problem is
> the architectural problem of the dissinuation of API and Core. Lol. New
> word. You can feel what it means I guess. The problem is that I had to
> spend ample amounts of time just to get through the barrier of learning
> ANYthing about what was hiding behind that public API. This is a real
> problem and a documentation issue at the same time. You can't really expect
> any new user to go through all of this effort or pain just to get
> acquainted with the system. I am spending MY time such that the NEXT user
> will not have to deal with that as I have. The core-api separation is a
> problem in that it tries to dissuade, by its very nature, the user of even
> *Learning* about the core, when the core is very much vital to the
> operation of the machine if you want to have it your way. In other words, I
> do not consider the API as it is presented (the public face) to be anything
> any regular user should have to contend with or feel happy about. Hard
> words perhaps, after all it is your love and brainchild. But I was left in
> the dark, and it was cold. And it took me studying the source of
> ConfigurationFactory (mostly) to begin to understand how I could get the
> system to effectively do what I want. So that public API that is meant to
> make life easier and to shield people from difficult things actually makes
> life much more difficult the moment that public API is not enough, and it
> would really be "not enough" for most people if they are true to
> themselves. By making it a black and white proposition you are forcing
> people to do much more work than if the separation (the shielding) had not
> been made in the first place. So effectively, you might even say.....
> Let's call it a time-waster.
> Let's just say you have failed in your goal to design something that would
> make a user be content with what the public API was offering and hence
> create a condition in which that user would not need to reach for the Core
> API. This is not the fact. This is not the case. I'm saying it is not the
> case that an average user will not want to reach beyond the public API. I'm
> saying you failed in that.
> Pretty immensely I must say.
> I am saying that you have shielded the (new) user so much that he/she
> feels he is getting shielded from the stuff he needs. And I'm saying that
> this may be (and is) one of the reasons that people are not all too
> enthusiast of getting on the bandwagon because people sense this.
> What you claim as advantage is only 50% advantage and it is 50%
> disadvantage. The API is meant to remain consistent between (major/minor)
> versions but now you are already thinking of getting to a version 3 that
> will change the public API. So where has been the benefit of the public
> API? Has the core changed so much? It was only a short time ago that you
> was still with version 1.2, I believe.
> I mean sorry if I'm being rough but I also don't have the time to be nicer
> than this, I have better things to do also.
> I have no stats of course on usage numbers and perhaps neither do you I
> don't know. From what I hear and see there are still very many people on
> the older version. They would want to upgrade but really they don't. There
> is something or multiple things holding them back, which makes the time
> required (that you speak of) a bad investment. For what would be the
> benefits? There are really none?....
> You are wondering why, or you are asking people to upgrade, but the
> investment seems to simply not pay off. It has a bad RoI.
> Me, I am even wondering, as a new user, whether 1.2 would not have been a
> better choice. I sense that there are some... less pretty things to 1.2
> that would hold me off. There are probably some things that really
> preferred an improvement or change, I don't know. I sense that you
> yourselves are not entirely happy with what you ended up with. You feel it,
> you know it. You can keep up the pretense (because you can't let people
> know you have second thoughts) (or they'd think: if *they* are not even
> happy, how could we be?) but everyone feels it and in the end that
> determines your success. It's not what you say, but what you do.
> And if you are unhappy with something people will know it regardless,
> whether you say it or not? So why not just publicly say it? At least then
> you'll be understood and people will understand you and you will move
> VASTLY closer to a solution or resolution in almost NO TIME AT ALL. Sorry
> for the caps.
> I am saying that admitting to your own flaws (as the way I should as
> well... ?.) puts you in the position where they start to evaporate almost
> instantly. The moment you step into real communication with your
> 'customers' those customers will stop staying at a distance and you and
> they will move closer to each other, both, very rapidly. That's just the
> way it works. That's what counselling is meant for. Maybe I'm an unwanted
> or unwelcome counsellor, so be it ;-).
> Op 15-8-2015 om 2:27 schreef Ralph Goers:
> Bart,  We spent over 2 years asking for feedback during which we had 13
> releases prior to the GA release. We changed, many, many things. While you
> are free to criticize Log4j 2 it really doesn’t accomplish much unless you
> provide concrete detail on what should be changed and then expend some
> effort to do that.
> Projects in the Apache Software Foundation are run by what is
> affectionately called a “do-ocracy” - If you see something broken you fix
> it, if there is a feature you want you create it.  Creating Jira issues and
> posting emails is great but in the end doesn’t accomplish much if no one
> does anything about it.  Everyone who works on Apache projects is a
> volunteer. We do it because we choose to and because we want to, not
> because we have to.
> The bottom line is that I have a day job that takes more than 40 hours per
> week of my time. I have a family that requires my attention. I want to
> write code and solve people’s problems when I have the time to work on
> Log4j.  I simply don’t have time to read long emails that a) don’t ask me
> how to solve a specific problem, b) don’t ask for a specific feature to be
> implemented, c) don’t ask me how to explain how something works or d) don’t
> say “What can I do to help”.
> Please don’t take responses to you as people being rude. Please take them
> as we are all busy and want to use our time effectively.
> Ralph
> On Aug 14, 2015, at 3:02 PM, Xen < <x...@dds.nl>x...@dds.nl> wrote:
> I just think... trying to persuade people like that is very needy.
> Ralph (Goers) doesn't give me the impression like he's needy like that ;-).
> It is clear that the new version is a bit out of tune with the goals these
> other projects might have. The requirements for a logging package should be
> a lowest common denominator thing. If the product is good, the other
> projects should notice anyway and take notice themselves. I would focus on
> documentation and clarity. You're a bit at odds with the times I think. Do
> you have the interests of your users in mind, or of someone else? That's
> what makes it hard to give a recommendation because it's just impossible. I
> mean "to become more popular". If you feel the need to advertize or say
> "hey, don't forget about us" so badly, that just means....
> Well anybody can figure that out for himself I guess. But I was looking at
> a topic called Update trunk to Java 7 from last May and it didn't seem like
> their was an urgent need to do so.
> Well it means you are on the wrong tract or not feeling confident.
> Maybe you really feel like you need a call for attention, but.... ... .. .
> . . . .. .....
> Everybody already knows you lol. Your name is well-known. It just seems
> like everyone is stuck using 1.2. Stuckerdiestuckstuckstuck. You might want
> to send out for an honest appraisal or feedback.
> Ask the question of whether Log4J 2 meets their goals. Ask the question of
> whether 2.3 meets or met their goals. Ask the question of whether 2.4 meets
> or will meet their goals. Ask what they want from a logging package. Don't
> forget to mention the issues: Java 7. Public vs. Core -- do they like that?
> Are they impressed by a separation of public versus implementation API? If
> they have experience with the product, do they feel the need to use Core
> functionality that is not normally directly accessible from Public?. Did
> they feel their needs were respected when the move to 2 was made? Do they
> feel the EOL of v1 has been a necessary or required or helpful thing?. What
> are their needs and interests? How do they feel about having to use two
> jars? I would seriously consider asking these questions, all of them.
> So don't ask for uptake, ask for feedback. I think that is the best
> suggestion or advice I can offer. Ask them whether you are on the right
> path. Ask this of your fellow Apache projects. Do that and you will do
> well, or better, in the future. If such a thing as 'better' would exist,
> but you can always do better than what you were before.
> And that's true of everyone everywhere. That's just true of life.
> Regards, B.
> Op 14-8-2015 om 23:34 schreef Gary Gregory:
> Something to think about after we get 2.4 out the door...
> Do you think it appropriate for us to do some kind of outreach to other
> Apache projects and say "hey, about about use log4j 2?"
> Gary
> --
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