Seems reasonable.

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 5:56 AM, Gary Gregory <>

> I agree with all that! :-)
> Gary
> On Feb 9, 2017 7:05 PM, "Matt Sicker" <> wrote:
> I was browsing through the site and took a look at the component reports.
> Checkstyle alone seems close to pointless as there are over 200 errors in
> log4j-api alone. log4j-core has over 2000 errors. Even new files that were
> formatted with our formatter settings such as the CassandraAppender plugin
> have import ordering errors. I also disagree with some of the rules
> configured, but that doesn't really matter when we don't enforce it in the
> first place.
> Anyways, what's the point of configuring this and adding checkstyle
> comments yet not even using it? The only project I've come across in the
> wild so far that has checkstyle configured properly was Spring Boot, and
> your pull request has to pass the checkstyle check to even be mergeable.
> Perhaps if we wish to actually use it, we could loosen the rules down to a
> much smaller set that actually matches the formatter settings in src/ide/.
> If the rules matched our code base, then we could also have Jenkins run
> checkstyle checks which would keep us informed when we mess up, and it
> would also be useful for pull requests (I've had to reformat many patches
> in the past).
> Related, there's the style guide <
> g4j/2.x/javastyle.html> which I'm pretty sure I've never even looked at
> before. This could also be normalized with our formatter files. I've
> generally thought of our code style summarized as:
> * 4 space indent
> * use final
> * no star imports outside tests (and those should generally be static
> imports)
> * imports should be in some sort of alphabetical order (this is really
> difficult to match between IntelliJ and Eclipse for some reason; I've had
> rather obnoxious fights about this in the past thanks to
> import-order-induced merge conflicts)
> * try to stick to unix line endings, but we're rather mixed still
> * every file needs a license header unless it's impossible to include
> comments
> * use CamelCaseClassNames, even for acronyms
> * no hungarian notation or other distracting naming conventions
> * otherwise stick to typical Sun style that everyone basically recognizes
> (that the JDK doesn't even use itself)
> --
> Matt Sicker <>

[image: MagineTV]

*Mikael Ståldal*
Senior software developer

*Magine TV*
Grev Turegatan 3  | 114 46 Stockholm, Sweden  |

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