I'm having some problems using JMSAppender/JMSSink in a J2EE environment
(weblogic). JMSSink receives the first message sent, however goes deaf and
receives no more messages after the first. On the weblogic error log I get
errors like:

[TopicSessionState] :
ObjectMessageID:N1,org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent@31475e]: REQUEST TIMED
OUT,weblogic.jms.common.TimeoutException: Request Timed Out

If I restart JMSSink, it will work for a few messages, then once again stop
receiving them. The weblogic console shows messages published to the topic,
but never received by a subcriber.

I've experimented with non_persistent messages (modifying JMSSink to not be
durable), and with persistent messages - similar results in both cases.

I was hoping somebody had some ideas what to look for. My logging sources
are both EJBs and Servlets.

Logging using log4j.FileAppender to Stdout (weblogic error log) works just
fine - all messages get logged.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide,

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