
Yes, please file it as a bug report. I am fixing it right now. Sorry about the 
inconvenience. Ceki

At 20:46 08.02.2001 +0000, you wrote:
>I don't know if my last message got through (I haven't recieved it yet,
>and I sent it about 30 mins ago), but the problem I had relates to
>HTMLLayout currently checks the event.throwable field, and only prints it
>out if the field contains something other than null. However, when the
>LoggingEvent is serialised, the Throwable object is discarded, and it's
>string representation is stored in throwableInformation instead. But as
>HTMLLayout doesn't test that field for content information, now stack
>trace gets printed.
>I'm just about to submit this as a bug, btw....
>I've attached my previous message underneath, just in case you want to
>know what I'm on about. :) The last message was somewhat incorrect, I got
>confused with my code (so it doesn't really matter what priority it is, I
>just want it to display the stack trace of any throwable object).
>Sorry for asking probably a straight forward question (and giving a fairly
>ambiguous subject header, I don't think it even strictly relates to the
>question I'm about to ask), but here goes.
>I'm currently using HTMLLayout, but I want the stack trace to be printed
>for any WARN or ERROR messages. I'm currently using SocketAppender to pass
>the messages along. Can anyone tell me how I could do this?
>I'm sure I used SocketAppender, and did have some stack trace information
>being printed, but that was a long time ago... :)
>And yes, I am using the error (Object, Throwable) message method.
>Any ideas?
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