
If you check out log4j from our CVS repository you will find 
an appender (under contribs/) called DailyFileAppender1 by EirikLygre.                 

   DailyFileAppender extends FileAppender to use filenames formatted with
   date/time information. The filename is recomputed every day at midnight.
   Note that the filename doesn't have to change every day, making it possible
   to have logfiles which are per-week or per-month.

Hope this helps, Ceki

At 12:25 14.02.2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all..
>Just wondering, is there a daily file appender out there?
>What i need is a log file per day (name along the lines of yy_mm_dd.log ), size is 
>not an issue. 
>Can FileAppender/RollingFileAppender do this? I dont think they can, but feel free to 
>correct me.
>Is anyone working on such a beast? If not I may have a bit of time to code one up. 
>Pointers and tips regarding where to start (class to subclass etc. + other features 
>that would be handy)
>are always welcome ;-)
>Cheers ;-)
>Peter Henderson

Ceki Gülcü           e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
av. de Rumine 5              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CH-1005 Lausanne          
Switzerland            Tel: ++41 21 351 23 15

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