Oppps sorry, 

Im my defence i did a search on the user/dev mail archives (Mail-Archive.com) for 
'daily' and it retured nothing.... 
and the http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=log4j-user&m=98015333917279&w=2 site seems to 
be down...

I have just looked over the web view of cvs, and i can't see DailyFileAppender 
Im looking in "jakarta-log4j/contribs/EirikLygre" and the web view has 0 files/dirs?
grr someone take me out the back and put me out of my misery.. (and i cant use cvs 
direct 'cos of my companies flippin firewall)

Anyway thanks to:- Jim Moore and Ceki Gulcu

Cheers ;-)
Peter Henderson

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