There is no way to use a custom Priority when using the
PropertyConfigurator.  Major bummer, I know, because that's certainly more
straightforward than DOMConfigurator to use.  The format of the XML for
DOMConfigurator is easy (if you know XML), but it's a bit of a pain to have
to include the extra libraries.

Other than that, the code below should give you a good example of how to
address your other concerns:

 * Provides support for the {@link TraceablePriority.TRACE} priority.
public class TraceableCategory extends Category {
  private static final Factory factory = new Factory();
  private static final String instanceFQCN =

  public TraceableCategory(String name) {

   * This method overrides {@link Category#getInstance(String)} by supplying
   *   its own factory type as a parameter.
  public static Category getInstance(String name) {
    return Category.getInstance(name, factory); 

   * This method overrides {@link Category#getInstance(String)} by supplying
   *   its own factory type as a parameter.
  public static Category getInstance(Class cls) {
    return Category.getInstance(cls.getName(), factory);

   * Log a message object with the {@link TraceablePriority#TRACE TRACE}
   *   priority.<p>
   * This method first checks if this category is <code>TRACE</code>
   *   enabled by comparing the priority of this category with the {@link
   *   TraceablePriority#TRACE TRACE} priority. If this category is
   *   <code>TRACE</code> enabled, then it converts the message object
   *   (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate
   *   {@link ObjectRenderer}. It then proceeds to call all the
   *   registered appenders in this category and also higher in the
   *   hierarchy depending on the value of the additivity flag.
   * @param message  the message object to log.
  public void trace(String message) {
    if (isTraceEnabled())
      callAppenders(new LoggingEvent(instanceFQCN, this,
                                     message, null));

   * Check whether this category is enabled for the <code>TRACE</code>
   * priority.<p>
   * This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of
   * disabled log trace statements.<p>
   * For some <code>cat</code> Category object, when you write,
   * <pre>
   *   cat.trace("This is entry number: " + i );
   * </pre>
   * You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenatiion in
   * this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not.<p>
   * If you are worried about speed, then you should write
   * <pre>
   *   if(cat.isTraceEnabled()) {
   *     cat.trace("This is entry number: " + i );
   *   }
   * </pre>
   * This way you will not incur the cost of parameter construction
   * if tracing is disabled for <code>cat</code>. On the other hand,
   * if the <code>cat</code> is trace enabled, you will incur the cost
   * of evaluating whether the category is trace enabled twice. Once
   * in <code>isTraceEnabled</code> and once in the <code>trace</code>.
   * This is an insignificant overhead since evaluating a category
   * takes about 1% of the time it takes to actually log.
   * @return boolean - <code>true</code> if this category is trace
   *         enabled, <code>false</code> otherwise.
  public boolean isTraceEnabled() {
    return(disable >=  TraceablePriority.TRACE_INT) ?
      false :

  // Any sub-class of Category must also have its own implementation of 
  // CategoryFactory.
  public static class Factory implements CategoryFactory {
    public Factory() {

    public Category makeNewCategoryInstance(String name) {
      return new TraceableCategory(name);

 * This class introduces a new priority level called TRACE. TRACE has
 *   lower priority than DEBUG.
public class TraceablePriority extends Priority {
  public static final int  TRACE_INT  = 800;

  // We assimilate TRACE to DEBUG on Syslog
  private static final int SYSLOG_TRACE_INT  = 7;

  public static final TraceablePriority TRACE =
    new TraceablePriority(TRACE_INT, "TRACE", SYSLOG_TRACE_INT);

  protected TraceablePriority(int level, String strLevel, int syslogEquiv) {
    super(level, strLevel, syslogEquiv);

  public static Priority toPriority(String sArg) {
    if (sArg == null)
      return TraceablePriority.TRACE;

    return (sArg.equalsIgnoreCase("TRACE")) ?
      TraceablePriority.TRACE :

  public static Priority toPriority(int i) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    return (i == TRACE_INT) ?
      TraceablePriority.TRACE :

Then you would have an entry like this in your log4j.xml file:
    <!-- Note the class attributes! -->
    <root class="TraceableCategory">
        <priority value ="trace"
        <appender-ref ref="MAIN" />

There's no need for mucking around with Hierarchies.  The package scope used
in Priority is a nuisance (I consider the use of package scope to be a
design flaw in general), but inheratance let me treat it as private data and
continue on.

-Jim Moore

-----Original Message-----
From: Geert Mergan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 10:42 AM
Subject: adding custom priorities


I suppose I'm not the only one's trying to define custom priorities (TRACE,
ALWAYS, DEBUG2). It seems this is not as easy as I hoped it would be.

I've started with writing MyPriority (extending Priority as the javadoc says
you shoulds when enlarging the priority set). That already gave some
problems because the _INT fields have package scope. This seems like a
design flaw to me, since I'd like to access these fields in MyPriority (in
com.mycompany.util.logging package), but I managed to bypass via copy/paste
(or so I hope).

Now the next thing I do is writing MyCategory (extends Category) since I
need to add the methods trace(), always() and debug2(). I suppose I must
also implement getInstance() because otherwise I won't be able to create
MyCategory events. And then I have to write a MyHierarchy class since
getInstance() requires a hierarchy and who knows what other classes I'll
have to subclass and I won't even be sure that it will work so...

I start to suspect I'm not on the right track to add custom priorities.
Anyone every tried to add custom priorities?

Geert Mergan
Java Developer
Phone: +32-2-3571765
Lasne Business Park
Chaussée de Louvain 431, Building F
B-1380 Lasne
Phone: +32-2-3571711
Fax: +32-2-3571700

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