A few reactions (while drowning in checking out all the possibilities to
define custom priorities):

> (c)
> If Ceki accepts the patch I submitted a week ago
> (and he has indicated he will), then the
> PropertyConfigurator will very soon be
> able to use custom priority classes, like this:
> log4j.category.fred = com.acme.Priority#TRACE, appender1


Is this patch you talk about (see above) the same as the use-a-wrapper
workaround you sent on the mailing list an hour ago?


1) I've checked out the latest version from CVS and I've examined the
examples you told me to.. They seem to use the DOMConfigurator. Maybe I'll
use the XML based solution, even though I prefer standard properties files.

2) It would be great to extend log4j so that you can also define custom
priorities with the PropertiesConfigurator. This should be feasible using
the AbstractFactory design pattern because in my opinion this can never be
achieved with a simple getInstance() method.

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