
I haven't got any experience with JMSAppender,
but here's a few comments anyway, for what
they're worth:

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 5:06 PM
> Subject:      Question about logging in EJB
> I am developing logging functionality for an EJB application.  My
> application will be running in a clustered environment, but I want to keep
> one central log file.  My first thought was to send the logging
> information
> to a central JMS queue.   A central listener would then get all of the log
> messages, and log them to file, etc.
        [Kitching Simon]  
        That seems to be a reasonable approach to me.
        You may wish to look into using AsyncAppender as a "wrapper"
        around JMSAppender to avoid delays in your code while messages
        are logged via JMS (see AsyncAppender documentation..).

        As far as I am aware, the JMSAppender code is fairly new, and
        has not been heavily used (sorry to the author if I have got that
        wrong), but even if you do have to do a bit of work on it, 
        the rest of the log4j framework *is* robust & ready to use.

> I see that you have a JMSAppender, but I have not been able to find any
> documentation or examples.  My understanding is that the appender will
> route
> the output of the logging to JMS instead of a file, etc.  If this is the
> case I will need a second simpler "logger" in the JMS listener to write
> the
> data to file, etc.  Should I use log4j two times??
        [Kitching Simon]  
        log4j can be configured so that a single message can be sent
        to any desired number of appenders. This means that writing
        the messages to a file *and* a JMSAppender at the same
        time is not a problem. Assuming you are configuring log4j
        using a properties file, you put something like:

        log4j.category.com.acme= ERROR, appender1, appender2

        where appender1 is a FileAppender, and appender2 is a 
        JMSAppender in your case....you can also set threshold
        attributes on the appenders if you want to send less
        messages via JMS than to file.

> I am curious if anyone else has solved this problem in a cool way.
> Thanks in advance,
> Daniel Jacobson
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