We are just beginning to replace our old logging
system with Log4J.  So far it's been great.  I have
one question though:  

We have trace messages at the beginning and end of key
methods. We use them to track lags in parts of our
system as well as for debugging.  Although I don't
think they are entirely necessary, I don't think I
will be able to articulate a good argument.  Rather
than fighting this, I would like a nice clean way to
turn them off.  I have thought about a couple
solutions.  Which is more correct:

1.  to extend Priority to include a TRACE type (I
assume this was left out for a reason)

2.  to use DEBUG for these trace messages and INFO for
our typical debugging messages.  This would let me
turn off all trace messages, and leave debugging
(INFO) on.

3.  create a root category for trace messages (much
like we will be doing for XML and SQL).  Categories
would look like this:  TRACE.com.mycompany.mypackage
(our sql statements will be written to

Any suggestions?

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