At 06:50 22.02.2001 -0800, Scruffles - wrote:
>We are just beginning to replace our old logging
>system with Log4J.  So far it's been great.  I have
>one question though:  
>We have trace messages at the beginning and end of key
>methods. We use them to track lags in parts of our
>system as well as for debugging.  Although I don't
>think they are entirely necessary, I don't think I
>will be able to articulate a good argument.  Rather
>than fighting this, I would like a nice clean way to
>turn them off.  I have thought about a couple
>solutions.  Which is more correct:
>1.  to extend Priority to include a TRACE type (I
>assume this was left out for a reason)

That's a reasonable option. 

>2.  to use DEBUG for these trace messages and INFO for
>our typical debugging messages.  This would let me
>turn off all trace messages, and leave debugging
>(INFO) on.

I think that's a bad idea. INFO is for rather high level informational messages.

>3.  create a root category for trace messages (much
>like we will be doing for XML and SQL).  Categories
>would look like this:
>(our sql statements will be written to
>Any suggestions?

Option 5) 

How about a second "method" category in the class files that have important methods 
logged at entry/exit?

class Foo {

  static Category cat  = Category.getInstance(Foo);
  static Category mcat = Category.getInstance(Foo.class.getName()+".method");

  void bar1() {
    mcat.debug("Entering bar1");
    mcat.debug("Exiting  bar1");


You can set the priority of the "Foo" and "Foo.method" categories separately.

Option 5) Do nothing. 

Method entry and exit points are just logging statements like any other...

Cheers, Ceki

Ceki Gülcü          Web:      
av. de Rumine 5     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
CH-1005 Lausanne           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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