
Have a look at the Category.log(String callerFQN, Priority priority, Object message, 
Throwable t) method. It should solve the problem you mention. Set the callerFQN to the 
fully qualified name of your wrapper/utility class. Cheers, Ceki

At 00:14 24.02.2001 -0800, Ye Tao wrote:
>Hey gurus
>For various reasons I am wrapping the log4j API's in a
>homegrown Logger utility class. For example, I have an
>info() method that calls internally. 
>The problem that I have now is with the location
>information generated by %M, %L, or %l. The
> obtains the location information by
>parsing the stack trace printouts. It always return
>the method just one frame up in the stack above 
>org.apache.log4j.Category.log(), which in my case is
>the info() method in my homegrown utility. This
>basically leaves the %M, %L, %l useless to me as they
>always report the location as in the utility class
>instead of the one that calls the info() method. 
>Is there any way around it? Like can I override the
>default behavior from LocationInfo?
>thanks a ton.
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