The statement:

Made the instanceFCQN an instance variable instead of a class
static in In related move, the Category constructor
now takes an additional argument setting the instanceFCQN. This
makes life less miserable for Category subclasses. [*]

seems incorrect, as I am looking at Category and dont see this change. I 
do see that instanceFQCN is changed to FQCN.

My download is jakarta-log4j-1.1b1, which was from

Also, I downloaded the zip version, not the tar version.

Mike Papper

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 2/23/2001, 2:07:17 PM, Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding log4j 
version 1.1b1 available:

> Greetings,

> Log4j version 1.1 beta 1 is now available on
> This version has the
> ominous beta flag because it introduces new API methods, namely
> getOption(key), which is still subject of debate.

> On the other hand, this version fixes a few bugs and irons out
> numerous wrinkles.

> In this release, the FileAppender has been split two 3 parts,
> Appenders and Layouts now get to see the raw message object in
> LoggingEvent, Appender and Layouts now return their option setting
> through the newly introduced and controversial getOption(key)
> method. Otherwise, there are no major changes in this release.

> I will be away for two weeks with no access to a computer. I preferred
> to make a beta release now, instead of delaying the release by at
> least another two weeks. Enjoy, Ceki

> The HISTORY file reads:

>    [*] Changes that are 100% compatible with existing client code.
>   [**] Changes that requiring little or no modification to existing
>        client code.
>  [***] Changes requiring important modifications to existing client code.

>  February 23, 2001

>  - Release of version 1.1b1

>  - Logging can now be disabled per Hierarchy. It can also be disabled
>    using configuration files using the "disable" directive.  The
>    disableOverride directive takes precedence over the disable
>    directive.  As a result of this change the disable family of
>    methods has moved from the BasicConfigurator class to the Hierarchy
>    class. [**]

>  - Changed the name of the configuration element to log4j:configuration 
in the
>    log4j.dtd. All configuration files written in XML need to be
>    modified. [**]

>    The following perl command can help:

>    perl -p -i.bak -e "s/configuration/log4j:configuration/;" file1.xml .. 

>  - The FileAppender has been split into three parts: WriterAppender,
>    ConsoleAppender and FileAppender. ConsoleAppender takes over the
>    console logging functionality of FileAppender. As a result Support
>    for stream and console printing has been deprecated in FileAppender.. 

>  - The FileAppender now correctly outputs the header and footer of its
>    layout. This problem was reported by too many users to list here. [*]

>  - Appenders and Layouts now get to see the raw message object in
>    LoggingEvent not just its rendered form. The access modifiers of
>    some LoggingEvent fields were changed so that they can be accessed
>    in less error-prone ways. Thanks to Jim Cakalic and Anders Kristens
>    for their valuable advice. [*]

>  - Added getLayout(), getErrorHandler(), and getFilter() to the
>    Appender interface. [*]

>  - Added getOption(key) method to the OptionHandler interface and 
>    implementations of it as appropriate. [*]

>  - Added the much awaited DailyRollingFileAppender. [*]

>  - The structure of the distribution changed somewhat. The log4j.jar
>    files can be found under dist/. The javadoc directory has been
>    moved to docs/api/. We are now totally dependent on ANT to perform
>    all the steps involved in creating a release, in including
>    compilation, jar file creation, generation of the javadocs, and for
>    the creation of the distribution tar and zip files. [*]

>  - Removed org/apache/log4j/varia/ which was
>    bogus to begin with. [*]

>  - XMLLayout will now mark some output as <![CDATA .. [[> so that it
>    does not get interpreted by the XML parser. This was suggested by
>    Mathias Bogaert like a long list of other fixes. [*]

>  - Corrected a bug in CyclicBuffer.resize method that would not update 
>    next insertion point. Thanks to Ole Bulbuk for accurately reporting
>    the bug. [*]

>  - The LoggingEvent class now supports serialization of priorities
>    derived from the org.apache.log4j.Priority class. [*]

>  - Improved the search method for finding the "" file in
>    the static initializer of Category class. Thanks to Calvin Chan for
>    supplying a better method. [*]

>  - Made the instanceFCQN an instance variable instead of a class
>    static in In related move, the Category constructor
>    now takes an additional argument setting the instanceFCQN. This
>    makes life less miserable for Category subclasses. [*]

>  - Corrected a bug in the OptionConverter.instantiateByClassName
>    method that would not return the defaultValue in case of error. Thanks
>    to Matthieu Verbert for identifying this bug.

>  - Corrected the missing stack trace in e-mails generated by the
>    SMTPAppender when using certain Layouts. [*]

>  - Updated the "Adding Conversion Characters to PatternLayout"
>    document to reflect the latest changes to the code. Also added the
>    org/apache/log4j/examples/appserver directory containing the
>    associated example code. [*]

>  - Added the BufferSize option to the AsyncAppender. [*]

>  - Eliminated the SecurityExceptions thrown in Applets.  Thanks Timur
>    Zambalayev for reporting this bug. [*]

>  - Fixed the erroneously thrown IOInterruptedException when the 
>    was closed. Thanks to Tom Palmer for accurately reporting this bug. 

> ----
> Ceki Gülcü          Web:
> av. de Rumine 5     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
> CH-1005 Lausanne           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Switzerland         Tel: ++41 21 351 23 15

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