Apologies for the cross post, but I think this should be read by members
of the dev list as well.


    I think I know what you're aiming for.  Essentially you want the
logging trail grouped by "user".  This transient/dynamic association I
guess, can be generalized to mean association of code executed in a
particular "context" or "session".  This requirement has come up a few
times at work.  As far as I know, this problem hasn't been solved.  The
current architecture is fine for simpler applications where the log
messages all arise within the same context, but in J2EE apps, where
multiple objects across VMs are servicing lots of "users" the need arises
to seperate/filter logged messages based on the "context".  At work, we
hope to have some solution for this as it is critical that the log
messages be filtered (or turned on and off) based on this "session"
context, but the progress has been slow.  Maybe others on this list are
having the same problem?  Currently, I can see 2 options:
a) Having categories associated with "Session"/"UID" classes just like
appenders are attached to categories or
b) Have the ability to turn on/turn off the sessions implemented as
methods with the current Category object.

Comments? Suggestions?


From: "Scott M Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Re: Using NDC to enable logging over a thread of control 
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 19:55:44 -0800 

I think you have part of the picture correct, but what I'm missing here is

how all of the
log msgs in code that the thread interacts with ends up getting associated

with this
'UserDebug' category.

For example, I'm using a Category per Java package paradigm in which every
class in a package logs through a Category with a name equal to the 
package name.
So, if the servlet interacts with two packages in addition to the servlet 
say com.dscape.security and com.dscape.mail, I want any msgs issued 
the Category("com.dscape.security") and Category("com.dscape.mail") to 
up in the Category("'UserDebug") appender regardless of their priority for

particular call stack only. If my understanding of Category is correct, 
I'm looking
for a transient heirachy of Categorys based on the thread stack rather 
than any
static category namespace.

----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Taylor
To: LOG4J Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: Using NDC to enable logging over a thread of control

If I'm understanding your need correctly, you could probably do this in 
the following way without any code changes to Log4J:

- if the user is authenticated, you can get the principal from the 
- If that user has been "enabled for debugging", get an instance of a 
category for that user that is one step below a well-known
debugging category (for example, category "UserDebug" logs to a special 
appender called "DebugUserProblems"). So, if I was
authenticated with an SSL certificate any my distinguished name was 
"uid=ctaylor,dc=java-internals,dc=com", you could make the
category name "UserDebug.ctaylor". One technique for doing this is to 
always get an instance of a category for logging in your
application, but it depends if the user is on the debug list or not if 
calls go to the special log. You can put that instance of the
Category into the request attributes.

Let me know if I'm misinterpreting you.


On Friday, February 16, 2001, at 06:50 PM, Scott M Stark wrote:

I'm looking to correlate msgs with the active thread and to have the 
Priority of
the thread override any Category.xxx() log msg invocation so that all log 
in this thread of control are rendered.

The use case for this is a production J2EE server housing many EJBs, 
servlets, etc.
and there is a problem report for particular user interacting with one 
servlet. I don't
want to have to crank up the priority limit to dump out all possible msgs.

I just want
to toggle a request parameter that triggers logging throughout one 
particular thread of
control the user is interacting with.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: Using NDC to enable logging over a thread of control

Could you go into a little more detail? Do you want to correlate messages 
with Threads
or with clients?


Scott M Stark wrote:

One common logging task I use frequently in server development is the 
ability to
enable logging across a thread of control beginning at some entry point. 
An example
is enabling all log msgs regardless of priority that are executed within a

servlet's service() method. Going through the log4j api I can't see a way 
to do this.
Is this possible?

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