This is a correct assessment of the need. I have such a feature in a custom logging
framework that I have created that is very similar to log4j. In that logging framework
the equivalent of the NDC allows you to push an override priority in addition to
a context name and any logmsg issued within the context behaves as though its
priority meets the threshold requirement regardless of what priority was used.
I have not had a chance to see if something similar could be added to log4j or
whether a custom Category would apply.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ashton Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: Using NDC to enable logging over a thread of control 

> Apologies for the cross post, but I think this should be read by members
> of the dev list as well.
> Scott,
>     I think I know what you're aiming for.  Essentially you want the
> logging trail grouped by "user".  This transient/dynamic association I
> guess, can be generalized to mean association of code executed in a
> particular "context" or "session".  This requirement has come up a few
> times at work.  As far as I know, this problem hasn't been solved.  The
> current architecture is fine for simpler applications where the log
> messages all arise within the same context, but in J2EE apps, where
> multiple objects across VMs are servicing lots of "users" the need arises
> to seperate/filter logged messages based on the "context".  At work, we
> hope to have some solution for this as it is critical that the log
> messages be filtered (or turned on and off) based on this "session"
> context, but the progress has been slow.  Maybe others on this list are
> having the same problem?  Currently, I can see 2 options:
> a) Having categories associated with "Session"/"UID" classes just like
> appenders are attached to categories or
> b) Have the ability to turn on/turn off the sessions implemented as
> methods with the current Category object.
> Comments? Suggestions?
> Ashton

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