Log4j already support filters in appenders. What's the point of supporting them 
categories? Ceki

At 16:36 22.03.2001 +0530, Nagarajan Chinnasamy wrote:
>Hi Jochen,
>As per JSR 047, it is possible to have filters attached to Logger (Category)
>object. But, log4j does not support this.
>How did you manage to do this without changing log4j?
>Ceki, is it possible to add this support in log4j 1.1?
>Thanks & Regards,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jochen Hiller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 4:50 AM
>Cc: LOG4J Users Mailing List; LOG4J Developers Mailing List
>Subject: RE: java.util.logging
>I just did some work to support JSR 047 (hacked partial JSR implementation).
>We use now the java.util.logging API in some projects, but the underlying
>implementation is completely based on log4j. We use it in EJB and JSP
>environments. Works fine for JDK 1.2.2, but some problems with JDK 1.3, as
>java.* namespace is reserved for java core packages only.
>Workaround: include the jar files in the bootclasspath (uuh, ugly), or change
>the security policy (do you know how ?)
>I sent one (older) copy of log4j-loggingapi to Ceki, but I would not propose
>it to include in the current log4j distribution due to these restrictions
>(and other deployment issues with the JSR jar).
>But if you are interested, I can you send you some code.
>Bye, Jochen
>PS: Sorry for late answer, I cannot regularly read this mailing list.
>Jochen Hiller
>Head of Research
>Bauer & Partner AG
>Esslenstr. 3
>CH-8280 Kreuzlingen
>Phone +41 71 67718 00
>Mobile +49 171 3396054
>Fax +41 71 67718 44
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Comeau, Greg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2001 22:40
>To: 'LOG4J Users Mailing List'
>Subject: RE: java.util.logging
>The API is published so the implementation could be simulated for the
>purposes of developing the adapter. That way the adapter could be ready to
>ship soon after J2SE 1.4 is available. Sync'ing with the actual
>implementation of java.util.logging shouldn't take too long. It should be a
>regression test at that point. 
>I was wondering if anybody had taken on that job. No, I'm not volunteering.
>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Ceki Gülcü [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] 
>Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 2:33 PM 
>To: LOG4J Users Mailing List 
>Subject: Re: java.util.logging 
>Funny coincidence, this question was asked in a different ML just a few hours
>ago. Before writing an adapter for JSR47, its implementation has to be
>available somewhere which is not the case for the moment. JSR47 is an
>implementation not an interface. Does that answer the question? Ceki
>At 14:05 21.02.2001 -0700, Comeau, Greg wrote: 
>>Is anybody working on a Log4j adapter for the Java Logging API? (JSR
>Ceki Gülcü          Web:   http://qos.ch <http://qos.ch>       
>av. de Rumine 5     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred) 
>CH-1005 Lausanne           [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Switzerland         Tel: ++41 21 351 23 15 
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>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I hope to see you at my ApacheCon 2001 presentation 
entitled "Log4j, A Logging Package for Java".

See http://ApacheCon.Com/2001/US/ for more details.

Ceki Gülcü          Web:   http://qos.ch     
av. de Rumine 5     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
CH-1005 Lausanne           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Switzerland         Tel: ++41 21 351 23 15

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