
Log4j is not an IBM product although it was initially developed at IBM. Log4j is a 
Jakarta project part of the Apache Software Foundation. Please do not refer to log4j 
as an IBM product. 

Regarding the ease of use of this or that logging library, I suggest you study both 
packages an adopt the one you like better. Regards, Ceki 

At 12:17 02.04.2001 +0800, Betty Pang wrote:
>I'm a BEGINNER of JAVA logging
>but I am quite interesting of java Logging.
>However, I find that there is in two product in IBM site?
>Anyone can tell me the
>different between two products (Log4J and Logging
>Toolkit for Java)?
>Which one is more easy to use?
>Which one is better?

Ceki Gülcü          Web:    
                email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope to see you at my ApacheCon 2001 presentation 
entitled "Log4j, A Logging Package for Java".

See http://ApacheCon.Com/2001/US/ for more details.

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