Hi all,

I've been looking at JLog (IBM) and log4j. I want to use one of these logging 
toolkits in our software.
I have done a number of tests with JLog already and it's quite ok, except 
perhaps for the closed-source issue.

However, log4j looks good as well and I want to give it a fair chance.

It will be used in large distributed applications with EJB's and remote 
clients. One very important requirement is that I must be able to reconfigure 
the Appenders and Category priorities at runtime.

I want to have the clients log to EJB's over leased lines. Normally, I'm not 
interested in DEBUG level messages since they generate way too much overhead. 
In an emergency however, I need to be able to change the priorities in the 
Categories in the running client and start receiving a more verbose stream of 
log messages on the server.

Is it possible to make such flexible configuration changes? With JLog I can. 
Their LogManager uses an Observer-like pattern.

I'm hoping for a quick reply. Please note that I haven't joined the 
mailinglist, so please CC any replies to my personal address 

I'm still waiting for the advent of the computer science groupie.

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