The remote logging server that's part of the log4j distribution is
fairly simple and is, I believe, mostly intended for demonstration (it's
quite good, though). Clients connect to it using the SocketAppender
which sends serialized logging events over TCP. You cannot connect to
the server from a C/C++ client because you cannot (easily) create the
effect of serialized Java LoggingEvent objects.

However, you might write another TCP based appender which implements
it's own custom logging event serialization scheme. This should be quite
straightforward and the changes to the remote logging station would be
fairly small.  I haven't had time to read it yet, but maybe the reliable
syslog protocol described in

would make for an interesting addition to log4j.


Prasad Balasubramanian wrote:
>   Hi,
> I'm new to log4cpp and want to know whether it can
> interwork with log4j remote logging server. I've an embedded box full
> of c and c++ implementations and a (log4j) logging server. Can the
> (java) server receive loggingevents and can log the events from c++
> client without much code change either at the client or server. I
> would appreciate if someone could reply ASAP.
> Thanks
> Prasad

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