Yes Jin,
I hope so. That's what my question. You know if it is across different JVMs
in distributed applications
like EJBs, Servlets and two EJB instances of same type from different
process try to log to a same
file, what will happen.

Many people say we can use JMSAppender, but I don't want to use it. I want
to use SocketAppender
for EJB logging. Is it possible for EJBs across different JVMs to log,
because there is a problem of lack
of synchronization.

One more question is I want to know whether category object is singleton or
not. It looks like singleton.
I am a new user for log4J, please clarify me. Because if it is singleton,
it is going to add some more
problems. We have nearly 5 different applications across different
Application servers and EJB container.
So if it is singleton, it is going to add more problems. Isn't.


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