We also considered this .... but when you look at the scope of 
change if you want to move away:

* 1 import statement
* create your own version of Category to implement the new 
interface to your new logging package

When you look at this, moving to a different package at a later date 
is a pretty small deal.

I'd say concentrate you efforts in your Category naming hierarchy 
since this is a pain to change later. Get this right, and log4J does a 
fine job and would be easy to swap out later if you needed.

Just for info ... we're working with 2 category sets at the root of our 

DIAG.*          developer and/or diagnostics messages

APPL.*          application messages

Easy to control and filter.

-- Rob

Send reply to:          "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Fri, 06 Apr 2001 20:17:18 +0800
From:                   Venkatesh Prakash Sambandam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     LOG4J Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Newbie in.help needed..(basics)

> Hi all,
> I have just started using Log4J and I have some basic doubts. If
> there are any docs. available kindly let me know.
> 1. I want to write a class which should accept the log calls from 
> other classes and log. If tomorrow I wish to change the log API
> I should be changing only this class and not the other user
> classes. (its something like facade pattern)
> Is it possible ?
> Cheers
> VPrakash.S
> Thomas Siegers wrote:
> > 
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > this is my first mail to this list und I'm also new to LOG4J.
> > So please bear with me :-)
> > 
> > I would like to send my logs to a table in a database .
> > Since there's no appender for this, my idea is to use
> > the SocketAppender and write a server which receives
> > the logs and stores them into the database.
> > 
> > Is there a more 'direct' way to do that?
> > Has anyone an idea?
> > 
> > Thanks, Thomas
> > 
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