At 12:10 21.05.2001 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm a new user of Log4j. I have a question and would appreciate if you could help me.
>I'm trying to use the socket appender
>After starting SocketServer::main(String []), I get the following error messages when 
>I send messages to the socket:
>"Could not find config file [C:\localhost.lcf]."
>"Could not find config file [C:\generic.lcf]. Will use the default hierarchy."

These are warnings not errors! However, they should perhaps be debug messages not 

>I give SocketServer::main method a propertyConfigurator file that it uses. Do I also 
>have to have the propertyConfiguration files "<hostname>.lcf" and "generic.lcf" in 
>the config file directory?

Have you had a look at:

did you?

>Another question: Must property configuration files have the extention ".lcf"?

No, they don't. Hope this helps, Ceki

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