At 16:12 03.06.2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Ceki Gülcü wrote:
>> At 15:10 03.06.2001 -0700, you wrote:
>> >Mike Papper wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I use the call to Category.shutdown to stop log4j. I have my own appender
>> >> (which is a subclass of RollingFileAppender)
>> >> and want to "rollover" that appender when log4j is shutdown. I cannot seem
>> >> to find a method to override that lets me know when log4j is going away so I
>> >> can initiate a rollover.
>> >>
>> >> Is there a way?
>> >>
>> >> Note that overriding finalize or the close method will not work.
>> >>
>> >> Mike Papper
>> >>
>> >
>> >It looks like the Appender that you are using needs to implement the
>> >org.apache.log4j.spi.AppenderAttachable interface. For some reason
>> >shutdown process only calls the close() method on the Appender if it is
>> >an instance AppenderAttachable. I can't tell you why this is true, but
>> >it is. Maybe someone else on the list can help me understand. Otherwise
>> >I would have to say it's a bug.
>> Hello Mike,
>> You mean Hierarchy.shutdown()? This method closes all appenders. Why
>> do you say that it only closes AppenderAttachables? Regards, Ceki
>On line 282 (in the closeNestedAppenders method) of
>there's a conditional that checks to see if the Appender is an instance
>of AppenderAttachable before it calls the close method. I'm pretty sure
>I got the latest code since I just checked it out last night.

Hello Mike,

Yes, but that is only in closeNestedAppenders.

>You're right it is the Hierarchy.shutdown() method that gets the root
>and any current Categories and then calls the closeNestedAppenders()
>method on each Category, right?

Partially. Nested appenders are closed first, followed by *all* appenders.

Here is the code in

  void shutdown() {
    Category root = getRoot();    

    // begin by closing nested appenders

    synchronized(ht) {
      Enumeration cats = this.getCurrentCategories();
      while(cats.hasMoreElements()) {
        Category c = (Category) cats.nextElement();

      // then, remove all appenders
      cats = this.getCurrentCategories();
      while(cats.hasMoreElements()) {
        Category c = (Category) cats.nextElement();

Does that make better sense? Ceki

>P.S. I'm new to this list so I hope I am not overstepping my bounds.

ps: Eh, this is the log4j mailing list after all. :-)

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