Here is some sample code of how we have used Log4J in servlets.

public class StartupServlet extends HttpServlet
   static Category cat =
    public void init()

 URL propsURL = Util.configureLog4j();
 PropertyConfigurator.configure(propsURL); "Starting the app");


//here is the Util class
public class Util

    public static URL configureLog4j()
        ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

        URL propertiesURL = loader.getResource("");
         return propertiesURL;

Amit Vaidya wrote:

> Hi,
> If following code is valid
> Category cat = Category.getInstance(NameOfTheServlet.class.getName());
> then, could you please give me an example of how to use Log4J with
> servlets?
> I need to use XML file as configuration file which should be parsed
> thru' servlet
> and necessary logging should be done.
> Currently I've used the following code (inside doPost method):
> ---------------
>                 static Category cat =
> Category.getInstance(assign4Servlet.class.getName());
>                 try
>                 {
>                         URL url =
> getServletConfig().getServletContext().getResource("/sample1.xml");
>                         DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
> DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
>                         factory.setValidating(true);
>                         DocumentBuilder builder =
> factory.newDocumentBuilder();
>                         Document doc =
> builder.parse(url.toExternalForm());
> DOMConfigurator.configure(doc.getDocumentElement());
>                         --------------
>                         -------- some servlet code --------
>                         --------------
>               "Inside doPost method of the servlet");
>                         cat.debug("Inside doPost method of the
> servlet");
>                 }
>                 catch(ParserConfigurationException eP)
>                 {
>                 }
>                 catch(SAXException eS)
>                 {
>                 }
> --------------------
> file sample1.xml is in the same directory as the servlet class file.
> But there is no log being generated.
> What could be the problem?
> Thanks & regards,
> Amit
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Amit Vaidya  Infosys® Pune, India
> Tel : 91-2139-32801 (outside Pune) 95-2139-32801 (from Pune)  Ext : 4342
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 2:20 PM
> To: LOG4J Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Help needed : Log4J with servlets
> At 17:30 13.06.2001 +1000, SCOTT FARQUHAR wrote:
> >The problem is that Category takes a String, not a class.
> Hello Scott,
> Categoty.getInstance takes a string or a class. Assuming that the
> MyFooBar class is in the ch.qos package. The following a strictly
> equivalent:
>  Category x = Category.getInstance("ch.qos.MyFooBar");
>  Category x = Category.getInstance(MyFooBar.class.getName());
>  Category x = Category.getInstance(MyFooBar.class);
> >Category cat = Category.getInstance(NameOfTheServlet.class.getName());
> >
> >If you turn off friendly error messages in IE, you would have been able
> to see this error.
> >
> >Scott
> >
> >
> >>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/13/01 01:15pm >>>
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm trying to use log4J with servlets (running on weblogic)
> >When I try to create a category instance inside my servlet,
> >--------------
> >Category cat = Category.getInstance(NameOfTheServlet.class);
> >--------------
> >This causes internal server error. What exactly could be the problem?
> >I've imported the following packages in my servlet:
> >--------------
> >import org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator;
> >import org.apache.log4j.Category;
> >import org.apache.log4j.Priority;
> >--------------
> >The java file compiles without any warnings or errors but the servlet
> >during runtime gives 'Internal server error'.
> >
> >I would really appreciate a sample code that illustrates the usage of
> >log4J with
> >servlets.
> >
> >Thanks & regards,
> >Amit
> >
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> Ceki Gülcü
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