When you say client group, do you mean different machines that are using

If that is the case, you can give a directory as a command line argument
(see javadoc on SocketServer) to socketServer. In this dir you can put
several config files (hostname.lcf i.e, The
socketserver will read the appropriate config file and use it to log
loggingEvent coming from the particular host. This way you can specify
different files/appenders in each of the lcf files and the log will go to
different files depending on the 'client group'

Hope this helps :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Atte A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 6:37 AM
Subject: Multiple log files with SocketServer

Hi!      (Using Visual Age 3.5 on NT)

I use SocketAppender and listen with SocketServer which logs to a file. It 
works well. But now I want to log to several files on server, depending on 
which "client group" that want to log.

I use the SocketAppender in the following prop. config file (Trace1.lcf):

log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, SOCKETSERV


I do the following in a method everytime to send messages to the socket:

  Category cat = Category.getInstance("SOCKETSERV");

  cat.info("Tracing" + message);

Is this the right way to do so?

I have the following prop. config file (localhost.lcf) stated in 
SocketServer second argument in main():

  log4j.rootCategory=debug, A1


  # Keep one backup file

  log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} - %m%n%n

Every "client group" have to have a logfile that only belongs to that group.

How can I log to diffent files in SocketServer, one for each "client group"?

Do I have to have several SocketAppenders stated in my config file, one for 
each "client group"?

Please...Help me...Don't hesitate to contact med directly.

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