
I don't understand what you are trying to do. Can you give a distilled explanation for 
dummies? Regards, Ceki  

At 14:10 26.06.2001 -0700, you wrote:

>Ummm, thanks . . but no, it didn't work.
>However, when I set it to INFO it works as expected.
>Does this imply that my subclass of Category or Priority is incorrect ?
>My subclass of Priority (actually called com.ebss.utilities.PPCSPriority)
>is included below.
>(Note: besides subclassing Category & Priority, I added/modified
>no other code.)
>    Clone and hack of org.apache.log4j.xml.exmples.PPCSPriority
>    from log4j 1.1.1
>    Purpose is to provide the NOTIFY and the FORCELOG priorities.
>package com.ebss.utilities ;
>import org.apache.log4j.Priority;
>   This class introduces a new priority level called NOTIFY.
>        - It will use a different appender.
>   This class introduces a new priority level called FORCELOG.
>        - It's output will NEVER be masked.
> */
>public class PPCSPriority extends Priority {
>  static final int  NOTIFY_INT     = Priority.FATAL_INT + 1;
>  static final int  FORCELOG_INT   = Priority.FATAL_INT + 2;
>  private static String NOTIFY_STR    = "NOTIFY";
>  private static String FORCELOG_STR  = "FORCELOG";
>  public static final PPCSPriority NOTIFY   = new PPCSPriority(NOTIFY_INT,   
>  public static final PPCSPriority FORCELOG = new PPCSPriority(FORCELOG_INT, 
>  protected
>  PPCSPriority(int level, String strLevel, int syslogEquiv) {
>    super(level, strLevel, syslogEquiv);
>  }
>  public
>  static
>  Priority toPriority(String sArg, Priority defaultValue) {
>    if(sArg == null) {
>      return defaultValue;
>    }
>    String stringVal = sArg.toUpperCase();
>    if(stringVal.equals(NOTIFY_STR)) {
>      return PPCSPriority.NOTIFY;
>    } else if(stringVal.equals(FORCELOG_STR)) {
>      return PPCSPriority.FORCELOG;
>    }
>    return Priority.toPriority(sArg, defaultValue);
>  }
>  public
>  static
>  Priority toPriority(int i) throws  IllegalArgumentException {
>    switch(i) {
>    case NOTIFY_INT:   return PPCSPriority.NOTIFY;
>    case FORCELOG_INT: return PPCSPriority.FORCELOG;
>    }
>    return Priority.toPriority(i);
>  }
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ceki Gülcü" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 1:05 PM
>Subject: Re: Problems with Filtering Extended Categories and Priorities
>Try <param name="PriorityToMatch" value="NOTIFY#your.Priority.subclass" />
>At 12:01 26.06.2001 -0700, you wrote:
>>I have extended Category (MyNewCategory) and have created 2
>>of my own priorities (NOTIFY and FORCELOG).
>>I am using XML properties/config files.
>>I can successfully filter (or set the logging priority) per class (aka category)
>>using the following:
>>   <category name="a.b.c.d" class="MyNewCategory">
>>        <priority value="NOTIFY" />
>>    </category>
>>However, the purpose for my NOTIFY priority was to separately filter
>>that and write it to a NT Event Log Appender.  For now, I am using a
>>FileAppender to write these events to a separate log file.
>>I have this appender configured as follows:
>>    <!--  Define the NOTIFY_TO_LOG appender -->
>>    <appender name="NOTIFY_TO_LOG" class="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender">
>>       <param name="File" value="log_notification_out.txt"/>
>>        <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
>>            <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ISO8601} XXXX: %m%n"/>
>>        </layout>
>> <!-- Only write events with Priority=NOTIFY to this appender -->
>>        <filter class="org.apache.log4j.varia.PriorityMatchFilter">
>>            <param name="PriorityToMatch" value="NOTIFY" />
>>            <param name="AcceptOnMatch" value="true" />
>>        </filter>
>>        <filter class="org.apache.log4j.varia.DenyAllFilter">
>>        </filter>
>>    </appender>
>>If I change the PriorityToMatch value to INFO, then I get all my INFO logs
>>to go to this file using the format specified in the ConversionPattern.
>>Therefore, I suspect that my XML is setup properly.
>>Inspection of org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent.java shows that it says
>>"  <p>This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4j. ".
>>However, I am at a loss to understand how I should proceed.
>>1) Should I *modify* the file and change all usages of Category to MyNewCategory ?
>>Would then I need to modify all the caller's to pass in a MyNewCategory ?
>>2) Should I attempt to check if the given category object is really a MyNewCategory 
>object ?
>>3) Or more likely, I have no real clue !! <grin>
>>Any and all help would be appreciated.
>>Jay Riddell
>>Dorado Software
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>Ceki Gülcü
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Ceki Gülcü

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