Title: Asynchronous logging ? JMSAppender ?


I would like to asynchronously log messages (for performance reasons).  I know the AsyncAppender is designed for this purpose, but I believe there have been performance measures that don't necessary prove the case.  I was also thinking that I could use a JMSAppender.  Now, I know that this is not truly asynchronous, because each logging request is not actually performed in a separate thread.  But since performance is usually degraded due to IO (i.e. writing log to a file), this solution may still be somewhat asynchronous.  I would have a receiver (working in a separate thread) that takes messages off the queue and writes them to a log file (or NT Event log, etc.). 

My question is ... is this overkill ?  Does anyone have experience with a logging system which uses JMS in the manner specified above ?  I'm worried that the management of messages on the queue might outweight the benefits.  Perhaps the AsynchAppender is the better/appropriate approach ?

Any ideas ?



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